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Jumping n nipping sisters need help !

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    • #378075

      Hi every1 av a problem wi my 2 staffy girls (sisters) as frm getting em at 8 wks bin trying t stop jumping up at people wen meeting then they av a little nip ….. at 1 point they stopped it but now 7 months old as frm yesterday they r doing it again but av ripped my daughters clothes on (arm) n its annoying er aswell as me …. i know staffies r giddy kippers but it needs t stop …….. can ne 1 give mu sum advice plz it will b a god send t av em jst sat 4 a fuss ?! X

    • #1990332

      I would love to know how also how to stop my 6 month old staff jumping up at people and niping them.he is such a great dog but spoils it by jumping up at everyone and nip biting when stroking him. Does anybody know how you can stop him doing it. We ave tried alsorts to stop him. But nothing seems to work. He is our 2nd staff but first time aving this problem. Anybody ave any ideas to help on this matter. Thanks.

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