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My beaautiful boy

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      Barney was a racing dog and ended up in the dog pound with his brother. They were taken out by a rescue. I was in Bangor, Co down and they were in Dublin, miles away. I got in touch and said he was beautiful and it was a shame I was so far away, but they said if I would rehome him they would get him to me somehow, and they did. I am forever grateful to Glencarrig Rescue for giving him such a perfect dog. There is nothing I can say negative about him – he was happy with cats and wild creatures, other dogs, travelled well in the car, came when called, loved the vet and followed his little sister Mouse and me everywhere. Sadly he died of pneumonia a couple of months back and I now have another greyhound boy who needed a home, but he was a special dog and I miss him dreadfully.

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