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Name one weird thing you do as a dog parent?

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    • #4207541
      Arlene Divina

      Name one weird thing you do as a dog parent? – Jed K.

    • #4207915
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      Bianca L.

      I tuck my dogs in at night

    • #4207917
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      Mandy B.

      Every night I put on a movie so me and my dog can watch it whilst cuddled up together

    • #4207919
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      Beth B.

      Sadly, I am only a dog Aunt now. Something I do in this capacity that I used to do with my own dogs is to keep up a running conversation during walks.

    • #4207923
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      Britlyn T.

      Well I’ve learned I can’t put him outside and be out of his site. He goes insane lol. So I’ll sit outside in the pouring rain at 4am if he needs to go out.

    • #4208883
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      Pamela M.

      I tell him exactly what he is having for dinner and prepared it. And after he eats it I tell him what a good boy he is! Yep, I am that crazy dog mom. Oh, and we recently adopted a new cat now he gets the same treatment. My pets are my babies always.

    • #4208892
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      Linda T.

      Dance with my dogs! We have regular dance sessions.

    • #4208896
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      Emily R.

      Not really weird, but I make my little girl a steak dinner for her birthday. We share (1 day apart) our birthdays 

    • #4208898
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      Deborah P.

      I heat my dogs canned food up in the microwave so it’s not cold from the fridge

    • #4208901
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      Rachel M.

      Serve him dinner before the rest of the family.

    • #4208903
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      Audrey B.

      When I leave I tell them what time I will be back!

    • #4208906
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      Karen B.

      One of my babies wants me to sit and watch him eat his breakfast. He takes a few bites and runs over jumps on my lap or he’ll stand in front of his food and stares at me and barks once to make sure I am watching. Then he’ll take another bite or two!

    • #4208910
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      Joanne C.

      I sing to him, tell stories only to name a single. He sends to love it! I also say sleepy bums and he comes running for nap time!

    • #4208912
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      Kimberly G.

      I put on a dog movie or cartoon for them when I leave

    • #4208924
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      Louise A.

      Always telling them I love them and when I leave to go somewhere I tell them I love them and I will be back soon

    • #4208927
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      Carl B.

      I have to give her a treat when I, get the mail. It’s 10’ out side the door I’m gone 5 seconds.

    • #4208929
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      Irene M.

      Make sure my dog is covered when he’s asleep with me

    • #4208932
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      Tracey K.

      For my Grand-pup I make sure cartoons are on the TV if I have to leave for a bit.

    • #4208935
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      Lori M.

      I beg them to tell me stories of what their lives were like before they were adopted.

    • #4208937
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      Roxanne R.

      When my dog is falling asleep next to me I hold her left elbow and rub her arm

    • #4208939
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      Chamindri B.

      Talking with them constantly sometimes nonstop 

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