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Need advice or tricks for making your dogs take their meds?

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    • #4205166
      Arlene Divina

      Do you have any advice or tricks for making your dogs take their meds? – Richard D.

    • #4205170
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      Gretchen D.

      Thin sliced deli roast beef, works for me.

    • #4205199
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      Vicki J.

      One of my girls has 3 different heart pills to take 2x a day. One of them is big (she’s a chihuahua jack russell mix), so I started to crush them up & mix them with either chicken broth or beef broth, then put the mixture into a syringe. This makes it so easy for me. Everything else I tried, she could smell the pills (which had to be cut in half), so nothing else worked until this.

    • #4205218
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      David J.

      Mini Marshmallows does the trick with my 3 Vizsla’s

    • #4205233
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      Christie B.

      American Cheese. The stuff in the plastic wrappers. It’s just squishy enough to encapsulate a pill.

    • #4205248
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      Brenda C.

      Whip cream in the can. Spray some over the pill. One lick and done. I usually load up a second one so he swallows it the first time around and ready for another. ! Pup cup with a twist.

    • #4205264
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      Connie W.

      Wrap it in cheese or peanut butter on a bite size bread….

    • #4205267
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      Janet T.

      We tried pill pockets with our Aussiedoodle, Maisie, but she is too smart & wouldn’t even look at us if we tried to give her the pill. I told my husband to go to the store & get Kraft American Cheese individually wrapped. She went crazy for the cheese. We now refer to it as Maisie Cheese. Just a small amount; it’s gooey & soft, easy to mold around the pill.

    • #4205269
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      Stephanie C.

      My son in law came up with putting the pill in a hunk of liverwurst, works like a charm!

    • #4205271
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      Lacey R.

      Cheese, lunch meat, peanut butter, canned food chunk, frozen meatballs from freezer section, marshmallows, pill pockets, and the good ol hand down throat if all fail

    • #4205273
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      Jamie S.

      We use pill pockets. They mold well around the pill

    • #4205277
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      Denise B.

      I put it in some canned pumpkin 

    • #4205279
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      Tarja T.

      I was going through all kinds of gyrations. Inserting the pill into food, jamming it down his throat while keeping his head up and rubbing his throat (like I was advised to do by the vet), and he spat the darn thing out every single time.

      I picked the pill up from the floor. It was covered in his slobber. I was holding it on the tip of my finger, and asked him: “What am I going to do with you? You need this medication to get well”.

      He looked at me, at the pill on the tip of my finger, back at me, licked the pill off my finger, and swallowed it.

      Sometimes the easiest way is just to relax, and when we don’t try to force it, the animal doesn’t feel pressured or stressed out, and things happen naturally.

      After that I just put the pill on the tip of my finger and said: “Want your pill?” He licked it in his mouth and swallowed.

      It helps a lot if an animal trusts you. That comes with years of interaction and relationship building. Doing things in partnership is better than using force.

    • #4205281
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      Janet W.

      We got a product off Amazon that you wrap the pills in. It is peanut butter and bacon flavor. Worked better than peanut butter.

    • #4205283
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      Patti K.

      I wrap he pill in roast beef from the deli

    • #4205285
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      Rozlinda H.

      Our dog would take the treat and spit out her nickel size tablet. She gets them once a month. What we do is have biscuits and gravy for ourselves for breakfast. We then take a small meat pounder and break up the tablet into a powder and feed it to her in a little leftover gravy.

    • #4205287
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      Debby B.

      Crush them in a nice wet meal

    • #4205290
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      Angela B.

      We use Greenies pill pockets. Our elderly dog takes alot of meds and this is the only thing that works for us. We buy off of Chewy.

    • #4205291
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      Kimberly G.

      If it’s in liquid form, put it in a small syringe with a little bit of peanut butter or whip cream on the end of it so they lick it while you push the meds into their mouth, or use cheese to wrap a pill in or some kind of bread or they have pill treats you can find at any grocery store or pet store

    • #4205294
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      Carol M.

      I use the three piece method. I embed the tablet in a lump of liverwurst. It is sticky so the tablet stays in there safely. I have two other lumps of liverwurst. I make sure the dog sees all of this deliciousness. I give them the first lump. Gulp! Then I offer the second one with the tablet inside, and then immediately follow it with the third. Gulp, Gulp! They are so keen to get all of it that they don’t notice the middle one is loaded. Hope you find this helpful.

    • #4205296
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      Liz B.

      My vet told me to take a mini marshmallow and pull it in half and put the pill in the middle and “squish” it back together. My 5 year old Dachshund takes her thyroid medicine now with no issues

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