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She stopped and talked to me

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    • #192353

      In the fall of 2014, I was rescued from a very bad place along with 18 other dogs starving and being abused. We got taken to a shelter and got food and a blanket. I don’t remember how long I had been there, but that day I first met her was the best day of my life. She had come with her mom to look at puppies, but as she walked down the corridor she saw me. I was feeling sad because no one had stopped to look at me, but she called to me and talked to me. She sat on the cold floor talking to me and rubbing my head for along time and she said that I was the one she wanted—Me, she wanted me! I could not be adopted that day because I was on “hold” because of a court case. They said that in 10 days she could come back and get me, she told me she would be back. I sat and looked at the walkway in front of my cage, waiting and waiting a long time for her to come. One day the helpers came and took me out to the yard for a run, but she was there and said” I promised I would come back to get you”. My name is Scar Face because of my scars and I am a 8 year old boxer female mix and she loves me.

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