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Stella's Story

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      Hi my name is Stella Bear. My mommy gave me my name because she liked the movie “Street Car Named Desire” and when I was little, l looked like a bear cub. I was born in a puppy mill with one sister and two brothers. I was taken to this nice lady’s house after my brothers and I were left outside and she told us she would help us find homes. The mean puppy mill people kept my sister. I was the runt, 3 lbs, skin and bones with a big belly full of worms. I was weaned from my doggy mom too early, I was just 6 weeks old. I was weak and was afraid to walk on slippery floors because I couldn’t control my muscles. My mommy and daddy found me through a rescue site and my mommy told me she fell in love with me at first sight. When my mommy and daddy came to visit, I was too tired and weak and my brothers kept knocking me over as they played. My mommy sat on the floor waiting for me to get close enough for her to pick me up. When I did, she looked into my big brown eyes and said “you’re the one.” My daddy was worried, he knew I was sick. I was so tired. My mommy handed me to my daddy. He was so warm and petted me, I fell asleep in his arms and he fell in love too. I went home with my mommy and daddy two days later. When I got home, I made messes on the floor. My mommy took me to the vet that night, earlier then expected. The vet was worried and wasn’t quite sure if I would make it. The nice vet gave me fluids and medicine and told my mommy what to do. She stayed home with me for 7 days hand feeding me, giving me medicine, helping me walk and get stronger. I came home on Black Friday and it was cold. Mommy and Daddy were worried about me and they let me sleep in their bed. My mommy used to carry me in her sweat shirt close to her heart. I was warm and would sleep a lot on her chest and listen to her heart beat. As time went on I got better.

      Fast forward to 6 years later, I’m a healthy 60 lbs, still act like a puppy, I still sleep in the bed and I have a human baby brother. I let him pull my ears and lay on me when he watches TV. Sometimes he is very loud and I have to get away from him. I like to play ball and mommy taught my little human brother how to play with me. I still try to sleep on my mommy’s chest but she pushes me away sometimes and tells me she cannot breath….. But I don’t understand I used to?!? I get startled at loud sounds, especially thunder storms. When I get scared I run to my mommy. She plays with my ears and then I’m ok. I a bit of a diva and I run this house and watch out for my family, because they watched out for me. I have a strong sense of good people and bad people and I let my mommy know. I also knew my mommy was pregnant with my human baby brother before she did. I tried to tell her she smelled different but she wouldn’t listen to me. I am my mommy’s training partner and we go for walks in the morning around the lake before she goes to work… I don’t like it when she goes to work.

      If it wasn’t for my mommy and daddy, I don’t know if I would be here telling you this story. The nice lady who helped me find my forever home said so many others passed me over and that my mommy and daddy were special. I had a lot of medical problems when I was little. My mommy calls me her four legged baby. I love them and they love me.

      It’s time for bed and I need to lay on all of the covers so my mommy and daddy won’t have any. I’ll probably have a dream and bark and kick my mommy and daddy in my sleep. But my mommy will pull me close, play with my ears and I’ll drift back off.

      Night night!

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