This is our Zoey. We believe she is approximately 8 years old. She was rescued by my boyfriend from a neighbor who was abusing her and leaving her outside 100% of the time, even through horrible thunderstorms which she greatly fears. She is the most cuddly and caring dog and very protective of me (the girlfriend). She waits everyday for her daddy to come home from work and stays close to me in the meantime. She has the most beautiful teeth and loves to hog the bed at nighttime. She loves to be loved and taking walks and we cannot wait until we move into our new home we are building so she can have many rooms to roam around in and find her favorite, plus we are putting up a fence for her because she loves to be outdoors. She truly appreciates that her dad rescued her and approved of me from the moment I entered her life. The three of us are a very loving and happy family and we appreciate every moment we have with Miss Zoey.