For many of us dog lovers, any celebration that involves fireworks is a bad day. Most dog owners I know dread New Year’s Eve and for those of us State Side, Fourth of July is the worst day of the year (as are the days, even weeks leading up to it when impatient kids are setting off crackers early). During these times, my Facebook feed is full of angry dog parents wishing people would just “stop with the fireworks.”

Of course, those with the fireworks do have the right to set them off (as long as they are legal). And it’s hard to make someone who doesn’t own a frightened dog understand how bad it is. I’ve heard stories from clients of dog’s that have broken through second story windows in terror of the noise. Countless dogs go missing on July 4th each year, running scared from the fireworks, they get lost. Many do not find their way home. Some meet tragic ends.

There has never been a good solution. Dog owners crate and medicate, some even opting to board their dog at a facility not near any displays. Most stay home with their dogs, meaning they are not getting to join in on the fun of the holiday.

Until now. A firework company called Setti Fireworks in Italy has created silent fireworks for the comfort of dogs and children, who can also be frightened by loud noises. Their spectacular displays can be set to music, adding to the visual display without dogs thinking the world is ending. The fireworks aren’t ENTIRELY silent, but the noise that accompanies the pretty lights are significantly quieter.
A Town Takes Charge
The town of Collecchio, in the province of Parma, Italy, has decided that the welfare of its pets is more important than those big booms associated with firework displays. The local government recently introduced legislation requiring all citizens to use silent fireworks, for the good of the community.

The following is an example of their “silent firework” shows, which are often used for weddings and intimate settings, the company says.
How beautiful is that?! But do you miss the louder bangs? Whether you have a frightened dog at home or not, we want to know what you think about silent fireworks – should all cities have this legislation for the comfort of our animals or do you think it takes away from the show?