Earlier this week, concerned dog parents began fighting to save a rescue dog named Draco. After Daniella Bizzoco rehomed the sweet dog when moving to New York, things suddenly changed for the worse. Draco’s new human, an 18-year-old man, had complications with the dog, which lead to him surrendering Draco to the shelter. The man claimed that Draco was dangerous, which automatically lead to the pup getting set to be euthanized. However, none of Draco’s former families had ever seen any dangerous behaviors with the dog. Luckily, all of Bizzoco’s hard work to save Draco’s life is finally paying off.

Draco isn’t in the clear yet, but he has been given some extra time to breathe a sigh of relief. On the day he was set to go, the judge ordered a temporary injunction that prohibits the dog from being euthanized. A proper hearing will take place to ultimately determine Draco’s fate. So, Bizocco still has an opportunity to defend Draco.
“Based upon the averments in the petition, it is herby ordered that a temporary injunction is hereby issued prohibiting the Respondent from euthanizing the canine known as ‘Draco,'” a court document reads.
When Bizzoco gave Draco to his new family, she specifically told them that if it didn’t work out, she would take him back and work something out. Yet, after the biting incident, Draco’s new human has been unwilling to cooperate with Bizzoco. It seems he’s not interested in giving the pup a second chance no matter what.

Bizzoco Fights for Draco as Man Refuses to Back Down
Despite so many people fighting to save Draco’s life, the man who surrendered him is refusing to show any sympathy. He said that he doesn’t plan to appeal the ruling and that Draco’s bite was clearly unprovoked.
“I was bitten about half an inch under my eye, my upper lip, and above that,” he said. “I still have the scars.”
But Bizzoco and many dog lovers have agreed that this isn’t enough to classify a dog as dangerous. Oftentimes, dog bites seem unprovoked, but dogs usually show at least small warning signs before lashing out. So, Bizzoco strongly believes that it was an accident that Draco shouldn’t be so harshly punished for. When he was in her care, he never once growled or tried to bite anyone.

“Why put Draco down? He’s only two,” she said. “It was probably by accident. We want him back. We wouldn’t be fighting this hard if we didn’t.”
Draco isn’t completely safe yet, but at least Bizzoco will finally get a chance to stand up for him in court. Even the best behaved dogs can get scared and lash out in unfamiliar situations. They shouldn’t be euthanized for this without given a proper hearing. After all, a loving family should be able to help dogs like Draco learn from these unfortunate situations. Hopefully, Draco’s upcoming hearing will take that into account.
H/T: wusa9.com
Featured Image: Daniella Bizzoco Facebook and @KCTomDempsey/Twitter