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  • ronninelson

    My almost 13 year old Shih Tzu had similar problems almost 3 years ago. I wentto my vet, who took x-rays which showed some arthritic degeneration. She recommended nonsteroidal anti inflamitories, gentle massage and limited activity – no jumping, few stairs. After 6 weeks not much improvement so off we went to the puppy neurologist and a very expensive MRI which showed degenerative disc disease as well as the arthritis. She recommended a steroid med to get the swelling under control, some pain medicine to help him relax and accupuncture! Since I do accupuncture I found a vet who does it on animals. My regular vet does not but she concurred with the recommendations as she did not want Murphy on drugs for too long because of their side effects. The holistic vet examined Murphy, reviewed his x-rays, MRI results and the reports. She suggested cold laser rather that accupuncture. Fast forward 2+ years. Murphy is running, playing, in no pain and more like his younger self. The problems are still there, but very much eased. Give cold laser a try. And, perhaps find a new vet who will look into the problem, not just prescribe drugs.

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