The turkey leftovers are almost gone, and your home’s decor has switched from harvest to holiday. But that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop giving thanks. Every year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, we celebrate a day dedicated to supporting the people, animals, and organizations doing their best to make the world better and brighter. Giving Tuesday is Nov. 28, and Tito’s Handmade Vodka is giving you the chance to make the most of the holiday season.

Famous for their copper-capped bottles of quality vodka, Tito’s is encouraging everyone to “Be a Giver, Raise a Tito’s” during this year’s Giving Tuesday campaign. They’re partnering with ASPCA to raise much-needed funds for all the dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, and other animals waiting to be adopted in shelters across the country.
They’ve made participating in Giving Tuesday easier than ever. All you have to do is text “TITOSHOLIDAY” to 81181 and select ASPCA. For every text received, Tito’s has committed to donating $1 up to $150,000. Fans can also visit to make their contributions, and Tito’s pledges to match all individual donations of $5 and more. Everyone who participates will also be put in the running to win a holiday sweater for either themselves or their favorite furry friend.

Frank Polley, VP of Trade Marketing for Tito’s Handmade Vodka, told iHeartdogs,
“ASPCA is our longstanding partner and we’re proud to work with them on our ‘Be a Giver’ campaign this Giving Tuesday. The partnership allows us to raise much-needed fund for animals in need this holiday season.”
Giving Tuesday officially kicks off this week, but fans of Tito’s Handmade Vodka can text and donate all the way until January 3. Their goal is to bring the spirit of the season to homeless animals who need it most. They’re determined to make a difference, and they’re asking for help. Tito’s has always been vodka for dog people, so what’s not to like?
Featured Image via Facebook/Tito’s Homemade Vodka