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What’s The Best Age to Spay a Female Bernese Mountain Dog?

Written by: Ejay C.
| Published on November 16, 2023

Deciding the best age to spay a female Bernese Mountain Dog (BMD) is a critical health decision for owners. Renowned for their size, strength, and calm demeanor, BMDs have unique health considerations. This article discusses the veterinarian consensus on the ideal age for spaying a BMD, the advantages and disadvantages of spaying at different ages, and explores alternatives to traditional spaying.

1. Understanding Spaying in Bernese Mountain Dogs

Spaying, or ovariohysterectomy, involves the surgical removal of a female dog’s reproductive organs. This procedure is essential for BMDs, a breed with specific health risks, including a predisposition to certain types of cancer.

2. Veterinarian Consensus on Spaying Age

Veterinarians generally recommend spaying female Bernese Mountain Dogs at around 6 to 9 months of age. This is typically before the first heat cycle, to minimize the risk of mammary tumors and reproductive health issues.

3. Advantages of Early Spaying

Early spaying can significantly reduce the risk of mammary tumors and eliminate the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers. It also prevents unwanted pregnancies and can reduce behaviors linked to the heat cycle, such as aggressiveness or roaming.

4. Disadvantages of Early Spaying

Spaying BMDs at an early age can increase the risk of orthopedic issues, a concern in large breeds. Early spaying may also contribute to a higher risk of certain cancers and urinary incontinence.

5. Advantages of Later Spaying

Spaying after the first heat cycle allows the BMD to reach full physical maturity, which might be beneficial for joint and bone health, especially in a large breed prone to orthopedic issues.

6. Disadvantages of Later Spaying

Delaying spaying increases the risk of mammary tumors and pyometra, a serious uterine infection. Each heat cycle a dog goes through increases the risk of these conditions.

7. Alternatives to Traditional Spaying

Given the pros and cons of early and late spaying, some BMD owners consider alternatives. Ovary-sparing spay (OSS) leaves the ovaries intact while removing the uterus, maintaining hormonal balance and preventing pregnancy. Laparoscopic spay, a minimally invasive option, offers quicker recovery.

8. Breed-Specific Considerations for Bernese Mountain Dogs

When deciding on the best age to spay your BMD, it’s crucial to consider the breed’s specific health predispositions and individual factors. Consult with a veterinarian who is experienced with large breeds for tailored advice.

9. Post-Spaying Care for Bernese Mountain Dogs

After spaying, providing proper care for your BMD is essential. This includes managing pain, preventing the dog from licking or biting the incision site and monitoring for any signs of complications. A balanced diet and controlled exercise are important during recovery.

10. Diet and Exercise Management Post-Spaying

Post-spaying, a BMD’s diet and exercise should be monitored to prevent obesity, a common issue in large breeds. Collaborating with your vet to adjust her diet and exercise regime post-surgery is key to maintaining a healthy weight and supporting her overall health.


Determining the best age to spay your female Bernese Mountain Dog involves balancing various health considerations specific to the breed. Consult with your veterinarian, weigh the benefits and risks of spaying at different ages, and consider alternative methods if they align better with your dog’s health needs. Prioritizing the health and well-being of your BMD is paramount in making this significant decision.


Frequently Asked Questions A Bernese Mountain Dog Owner Might Ask Before Having Their Bernese Mountain Dog Spayed

1. What is the best age to spay my Bernese Mountain Dog?

The best age to spay a Bernese Mountain Dog is typically between 6 to 9 months, before her first heat cycle. This timing helps reduce the risk of mammary tumors and other reproductive health issues. However, considering the large size and specific health concerns of the breed, it’s crucial to consult with your veterinarian for a tailored decision.

2. Will spaying change my Bernese Mountain Dog’s personality?

Spaying your Bernese Mountain Dog is unlikely to change her fundamental personality. It may reduce behaviors influenced by reproductive hormones, such as moodiness or aggression during heat cycles. Overall, your dog will retain her gentle and loyal nature, with potential behavioral improvements.

3. Are there long-term health benefits to spaying my Bernese Mountain Dog?

Yes, there are significant long-term health benefits to spaying your Bernese Mountain Dog. These include a reduced risk of mammary tumors, ovarian and uterine cancers, and the prevention of pyometra, a serious uterine infection. Spaying also eliminates the risks associated with pregnancy and birthing.

4. What are the risks associated with spaying my Bernese Mountain Dog?

Spaying is a surgical procedure and carries standard risks such as bleeding, infection, and reactions to anesthesia. For Bernese Mountain Dogs, early spaying may increase the risk of orthopedic problems and possibly some types of cancer. Discuss these risks with your vet to understand and mitigate them.

5. How long is the recovery period after spaying a Bernese Mountain Dog?

The recovery period for a Bernese Mountain Dog after spaying typically lasts about 10 to 14 days. During this time, limit her physical activity, monitor the incision site for signs of infection, and follow your vet’s post-operative care instructions for a smooth recovery.

6. Is spaying a painful procedure for Bernese Mountain Dogs?

Spaying can cause some discomfort, but veterinarians use anesthesia during the surgery and provide pain management afterward to minimize discomfort. Most Bernese Mountain Dogs recover quickly and experience minimal discomfort with proper care and pain management.

7. Will my Bernese Mountain Dog gain weight after being spayed?

Spaying can lead to metabolic changes that might result in weight gain if not managed properly. It’s important to monitor your Bernese Mountain Dog’s diet and exercise regimen post-surgery. Your vet can recommend dietary adjustments and an appropriate exercise routine to maintain a healthy weight.

8. What are the alternatives to traditional spaying for Bernese Mountain Dogs?

Alternatives to traditional spaying include ovary-sparing spay (OSS) and laparoscopic spay. OSS leaves the ovaries intact while removing the uterus, and laparoscopic spay is a less invasive method. Discuss these alternatives with your veterinarian to determine if they are suitable for your Bernese Mountain Dog.

9. Can I spay my Bernese Mountain Dog during her heat cycle?

While it’s technically possible to spay a Bernese Mountain Dog during her heat cycle, it’s generally not recommended. Surgery during heat can be more complex due to increased blood flow to the reproductive organs, leading to higher risks. It’s best to plan the spaying before or after a heat cycle.

10. How should I care for my Bernese Mountain Dog after she’s spayed?

Post-spay care involves keeping your Bernese Mountain Dog calm and restricting her from vigorous activities for a couple of weeks. Check the incision site regularly for signs of infection, ensure she wears a protective cone to prevent licking the wound and follow your vet’s instructions regarding diet, medication, and follow-up visits. Proper care is key for a smooth recovery.

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