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What’s The Best Age to Spay a Female Dachshund?

Written by: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| Published on November 15, 2023

Dachshunds, known for their distinctive long bodies and short legs, are a beloved breed worldwide. As an owner of a female Dachshund, an important decision you’ll face is when to spay her. This comprehensive article explores the best age to spay a female Dachshund, considering veterinarian consensus, the advantages and disadvantages of spaying at different ages, and alternatives to traditional spaying.

1. Understanding Spaying in Dachshunds

Spaying, the surgical removal of a female dog’s ovaries and usually her uterus, is a common procedure in canine healthcare. It’s particularly significant in Dachshunds due to their unique body structure and predisposition to certain health issues.

2. Veterinarian Consensus on Spaying Age

The general consensus among veterinarians is to spay female Dachshunds before their first heat cycle, which can occur as early as 6 months of age. However, recent studies suggest that the ideal age for spaying may vary depending on the individual dog’s health, size, and risk factors.

3. Advantages of Early Spaying

Early spaying, typically before the first heat, reduces the risk of mammary tumors, the most common malignant tumors in female dogs. It also eliminates the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers and unwanted pregnancies. Early spaying can prevent heat-related behaviors such as roaming and aggression.

4. Disadvantages of Early Spaying

Early spaying in Dachshunds can be associated with an increased risk of orthopedic problems, including intervertebral disk disease (IVDD), which is prevalent in the breed. There’s also a potential risk of urinary incontinence and possibly a higher likelihood of developing certain cancers.

5. Advantages of Later Spaying

Spaying after the first or second heat cycle allows a Dachshund to fully mature physically and behaviorally. This can be beneficial in reducing the risk of orthopedic issues like IVDD, a significant concern in Dachshunds. It may also diminish the risk of obesity, which is crucial given their body structure.

6. Disadvantages of Later Spaying

The primary disadvantage of later spaying is a significantly increased risk of mammary tumors. Each successive heat cycle raises the risk. There’s also the heightened risk of pyometra (a severe uterine infection) and complications related to pregnancy and birth.

7. Alternatives to Traditional Spaying

In light of the pros and cons associated with early and late spaying, some Dachshund owners consider alternatives. Ovary-sparing spay (OSS) is a procedure where the ovaries are left intact, and only the uterus is removed. This allows for normal hormonal development while preventing pregnancy. Laparoscopic spay is another option, offering a less invasive method with a quicker recovery time.

8. Factors to Consider for Dachshunds

When deciding on the best age to spay your Dachshund, consider her specific health needs, the breed’s predisposition to certain conditions, and your lifestyle. Consult with a veterinarian who is familiar with the breed to make the most informed decision.

9. Spaying and IVDD in Dachshunds

Given the high prevalence of IVDD in Dachshunds, special consideration should be given to the timing of spaying. Discuss with your vet how spaying may impact the risk of developing this condition and weigh this against the benefits of spaying.

10. Post-Spaying Care for Dachshunds

After spaying, it’s crucial to provide proper care for your Dachshund, especially considering their unique body shape. Ensure a comfortable recovery space, follow your vet’s instructions for post-operative care, and monitor her diet to prevent obesity.


Choosing the best age to spay your female Dachshund is a decision that requires careful consideration of various health factors unique to the breed. Consult with your veterinarian, weigh the benefits and risks of early vs. late spaying, and consider alternative spaying methods if they better suit your dog’s health profile. Whichever option you choose, the welfare and well-being of your Dachshund should always be the primary concern.


Frequently Asked Questions A Dachshund Owner Might Ask Before Having Their Dachshund Spayed

1. What is the best age to spay my Dachshund?

The best age to spay a Dachshund is typically between 6 to 9 months, before her first heat cycle. This timing is recommended to minimize the risk of mammary tumors and other reproductive health issues. However, considering the breed’s risk for orthopedic problems, some veterinarians might advise waiting until after the first heat or until the dog is fully grown.

2. Will spaying change my Dachshund’s personality?

Spaying your Dachshund is unlikely to change her core personality. It may reduce behaviors influenced by hormonal fluctuations, such as irritability during heat cycles. Overall, your Dachshund will remain the same lovable pet, with some potential behavioral improvements.

3. Are there long-term health benefits to spaying my Dachshund?

Yes, spaying offers long-term health benefits, including a reduced risk of mammary tumors, ovarian and uterine cancers, and the elimination of risks associated with pregnancy and birthing. It also prevents uterine infections like pyometra, which can be life-threatening.

4. What are the risks associated with spaying my Dachshund?

Spaying involves standard surgical risks like bleeding, infection, and reactions to anesthesia. In Dachshunds, early spaying may increase the risk of orthopedic issues such as intervertebral disk disease (IVDD). Discuss with your veterinarian to understand and mitigate these risks.

5. How long is the recovery period after spaying a Dachshund?

The recovery period for a Dachshund after spaying typically lasts about 10 to 14 days. During this time, it’s crucial to limit her physical activity, monitor the incision site for signs of infection, and follow your veterinarian’s post-operative care instructions closely.

6. Is spaying a painful procedure for Dachshunds?

Spaying is a surgical procedure, and like any surgery, it can cause some discomfort. However, veterinarians use anesthesia during the operation and provide pain management afterward to ensure your Dachshund is as comfortable as possible. Most dogs recover quickly and experience minimal discomfort.

7. Will my Dachshund gain weight after being spayed?

Spaying can lead to a slight decrease in metabolic rate, potentially causing weight gain if not managed with proper diet and exercise. It’s important to monitor your Dachshund’s weight post-surgery and adjust her diet and exercise routine as recommended by your vet.

8. What are the alternatives to traditional spaying for Dachshunds?

Alternatives to traditional spaying include ovary-sparing spay (OSS), where the ovaries are left intact, and laparoscopic spay, a minimally invasive procedure. These alternatives may be suitable for some owners who are concerned about the effects of traditional spaying, but it’s important to discuss these options with your vet.

9. Can I spay my Dachshund during her heat cycle?

It’s technically possible to spay a Dachshund during her heat cycle, but it’s usually not recommended. Surgery during heat can be more complicated due to increased blood flow to the reproductive organs, leading to a higher risk of complications. It’s best to plan the spaying before or after a heat cycle.

10. How should I care for my Dachshund after she’s spayed?

Post-spay care includes keeping your Dachshund calm and restricting her from jumping or running for a couple of weeks. Check the incision site regularly for signs of infection, ensure she wears a protective cone to prevent licking the wound and follow your vet’s instructions regarding diet and medication. Regular check-ups post-surgery are also important for a smooth recovery.

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