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What’s The Bite Force of a Pomeranian & Does It Hurt?

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| October 18, 2023

Pomeranians, with their fluffy coats and endearing faces, are among the most popular toy breeds around the world. Their small stature, combined with their playful and spirited nature, makes them an ideal pet for many. But have you ever wondered about the bite force of a Pomeranian? Let’s delve into this fascinating topic.

Understanding the Bite Force of a Pomeranian

The bite force of any dog, including the Pomeranian, is measured in pounds per square inch (PSI). While larger breeds, such as Rottweilers and Mastiffs, can exert a bite force ranging from 200 to over 500 PSI, Pomeranians, given their size, have a significantly lower bite force. However, don’t be deceived by their size. Though their bite force might be less compared to larger breeds, a Pomeranian’s bite can still be quite sharp.

Pomeranian Jaw Structure and Teeth

The structure of a Pomeranian’s jaw and the arrangement of their teeth play a significant role in determining their bite force. Pomeranians have a set of sharp, pointed teeth designed to grasp and tear. Given their historical background as smaller versions of sled-pulling and herding dogs in cold regions, their bite was initially meant for survival, grabbing onto food, and sometimes defending themselves from threats.

The Pain Factor: Does a Pomeranian Bite Hurt?

Yes, a bite from a Pomeranian can hurt. While they don’t have the crushing force that larger dogs possess, the sharpness of a Pomeranian’s teeth combined with their swift bite can cause pain. Especially if the Pomeranian feels threatened or is in an aggressive mood, their bite can break the skin and even lead to minor injuries.

Factors Influencing a Pomeranian’s Bite

Several factors can influence the strength and frequency of a Pomeranian’s bite:

1. Age

Puppy Pomeranians, while teething, tend to bite more often. Their bites, though not very strong, can still be quite sharp due to their needle-like puppy teeth.

2. Health

A Pomeranian in pain or discomfort might be more prone to biting. Dental problems, for example, can make a Pomeranian more irritable and likely to snap.

3. Training and Socialization

A well-trained and well-socialized Pomeranian is less likely to bite without reason. Early training and exposure to various situations can help inculcate good behavior.

Preventing and Managing Pomeranian Bites

It’s essential to teach Pomeranians bite inhibition from a young age. Training them with commands like “no bite” and redirecting their biting tendencies to toys can be very effective. Socializing them with other dogs and people can also reduce aggressive tendencies. If a Pomeranian continues to bite aggressively, consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviorist is recommended.


While Pomeranians might not possess the fearsome bite force of some larger breeds, it’s essential to respect and understand their bite. With proper training and understanding, Pomeranians can be the loving and gentle companions they are famed to be, with their bite being reserved for their toys and treats. Always remember that any dog, irrespective of its size, can bite if provoked or threatened. So, it’s always best to approach Pomeranians, and all dogs, with care and understanding.


Frequently Asked Questions About Pomeranian Bites

1. Why do Pomeranians bite?

Pomeranians, like other dogs, might bite for various reasons, including fear, protection, pain, or even playfulness. Puppies often bite during the teething phase, while adult Pomeranians might bite if they feel threatened or are suffering from a health issue.

2. Are Pomeranian bites dangerous?

While Pomeranians are small and their bite force is not as powerful as larger breeds, their sharp teeth can still cause pain and potentially break the skin. It’s essential to treat any dog bite appropriately to prevent infection and consult a medical professional if needed.

3. How can I reduce my Pomeranian’s biting tendency?

Early training and socialization are crucial. Teaching bite inhibition, offering chew toys, and redirecting biting behavior can help. If the biting continues or becomes aggressive, consider consulting with a professional dog trainer.

4. Is biting a sign of aggression in Pomeranians?

Not always. While biting can sometimes indicate aggression, Pomeranians might also bite during play or due to teething. It’s essential to observe the context of the bite and the dog’s body language to determine the cause.

5. How do I handle a Pomeranian puppy that’s teething and biting?

Offering chew toys designed for teething can help alleviate their discomfort. Additionally, gentle training and teaching bite inhibition from a young age can help manage and reduce biting behaviors.

6. Do Pomeranians grow out of their biting phase?

Many Pomeranians reduce their biting tendencies as they transition from puppyhood to adulthood, especially if properly trained. However, certain triggers like fear or pain might still cause an adult Pomeranian to bite.

7. What should I do if my Pomeranian bites someone?

First, ensure the person’s safety and tend to the bite wound, seeking medical attention if necessary. Then, try to understand the cause behind the bite. It might be beneficial to consult a dog trainer or behaviorist to address and prevent future biting incidents.

8. Can Pomeranians become aggressive biters?

While Pomeranians are generally known for their friendly and playful nature, any dog, regardless of breed, can become aggressive under certain circumstances. Early socialization, training, and understanding of their needs can mitigate aggressive behaviors.

9. Are Pomeranian bites worse than other small-breed bites?

The severity of a dog’s bite usually depends on the individual dog and the situation, rather than the breed. However, Pomeranians have sharp teeth that can inflict painful bites, similar to other small breeds.

10. How can I train my Pomeranian not to bite when playing?

Consistent training is the key. Whenever your Pomeranian bites during play, offer a firm “no” command, and redirect their attention to a toy. Over time, with patience and consistency, they’ll learn to play without biting.

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