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What’s The Bite Force of a Shih Tzu & Does It Hurt?

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on October 18, 2023

The Shih Tzu, a toy breed with origins from Tibet, is characterized by its cute appearance and affectionate nature. This petite dog, with its flowing mane and expressive eyes, is often considered more of a lap dog than a threat. Yet, many potential Shih Tzu owners and enthusiasts often wonder about the bite force of this diminutive canine. So, how powerful is a Shih Tzu’s bite, and can it cause discomfort or pain?

Shih Tzu Jaw Structure and the Mechanics of Their Bite

To comprehend the bite force of a Shih Tzu, it’s imperative to study the anatomical structure of their jaw. Shih Tzus, being toy breeds, possess a smaller and less powerful jaw compared to larger breeds. Their jaw structure, coupled with their relatively small teeth, is not designed to exert immense force.

Bite force in the canine world is typically measured using “pounds per square inch” (PSI). While there isn’t a precise PSI value documented specifically for Shih Tzus, based on their size and comparisons with other toy breeds, one could estimate their bite force to be in the ballpark of 70-90 PSI. In contrast, the average human bite force stands around 120-140 PSI.

Experiencing a Shih Tzu’s Bite: Is It Painful?

Given their estimated bite force, it’s evident that a Shih Tzu’s bite won’t carry the same impact as larger breeds. However, this doesn’t entirely eliminate the possibility of discomfort or pain. A Shih Tzu’s teeth are sharp, and if they bite with intent, it can cause pain, especially if they manage to pinch or puncture the skin.

It’s essential to understand that the actual pain experienced from a Shih Tzu bite will vary based on individual pain thresholds, the dog’s intent, and the area of the body bitten.

Understanding Shih Tzu Temperament in Relation to Biting

Shih Tzus are primarily known for their loving, friendly, and sociable temperament. They are bred for companionship, which inherently makes them less aggressive. Nevertheless, like all dogs, Shih Tzus can exhibit biting behaviors due to various reasons. Factors such as fear, territoriality, pain, or poor socialization can drive a Shih Tzu to bite.

By understanding and respecting a Shih Tzu’s boundaries and ensuring they receive proper training and socialization from a young age, the likelihood of aggressive behavior can be significantly reduced.

Training and Socialization for a Bite-Free Shih Tzu Experience

A proactive approach is the key to preventing unwanted biting incidents. Shih Tzu puppies, like all puppies, go through a phase where they explore the world with their mouths, leading to nipping and biting. It’s during this phase that bite inhibition training can be introduced, teaching them the boundaries of acceptable mouth behavior.

Moreover, consistent socialization helps in shaping a well-rounded Shih Tzu. Exposure to various environments, people, and other pets can assist in reducing anxiety and fear-driven behaviors, thus minimizing the chances of biting.

Addressing a Shih Tzu’s Bite: Medical Recommendations

While the bite of a Shih Tzu might not be as formidable as some larger breeds, it’s still crucial to address any biting incident with care. If bitten, one should:

  1. Clean the wound promptly with soap and water.
  2. Observe for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or pus.
  3. Seek medical attention if the bite results in deep punctures or if there’s uncertainty about the Shih Tzu’s vaccination status.


In conclusion, while the Shih Tzu might be small and primarily bred for companionship, it’s still a dog with teeth. Their bite force is notably less than larger breeds, and while not typically dangerous, it can cause discomfort if they bite with intent. By understanding the Shih Tzu’s nature, respecting their boundaries, and ensuring proper training, one can enjoy the affection and companionship of this delightful breed without the worry of aggressive incidents.


Frequently Asked Questions About Shih Tzu Bites

1. Why do Shih Tzus bite?

Shih Tzus might bite due to various reasons, including fear, territorial behavior, pain, or even playfulness. It’s essential to remember that while they are bred for companionship, they still have natural canine instincts and can exhibit protective or defensive behaviors under certain circumstances.

2. Are Shih Tzus known to be aggressive?

No, Shih Tzus are not typically known to be aggressive. They are bred primarily for companionship and have a generally friendly and affectionate temperament. However, like any dog, individual Shih Tzus might show aggressive behaviors if not properly socialized or if they feel threatened.

3. How can I train my Shih Tzu puppy to stop nipping and biting during play?

Introduce bite inhibition training early. When your Shih Tzu puppy nips or bites too hard, let out a pronounced “ouch” or “yelp” and stop playing for a moment. This response helps them understand the boundary between gentle play and undesirable biting.

4. Do Shih Tzus have a significant bite force?

Compared to larger breeds, Shih Tzus have a relatively modest bite force, estimated to be around 70-90 PSI. However, their teeth are still sharp, and a bite can cause discomfort or minor injuries.

5. Are Shih Tzu puppies more prone to biting?

Like all puppies, Shih Tzu puppies go through a teething phase and tend to explore their surroundings using their mouths. This behavior can lead to nipping and biting. Proper training and chew toys can help redirect and manage this behavior.

6. How can I reduce the chances of my Shih Tzu developing aggressive biting habits?

Early socialization, training, and positive reinforcement are essential. Expose your Shih Tzu to various environments, people, and pets early on. This exposure, combined with consistent training, helps in molding a well-adjusted and less aggressive dog.

7. My Shih Tzu bit someone. What steps should I take?

First, ensure the person bitten receives appropriate care. Then, analyze the circumstances leading to the bite, and consider consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to address and correct the Shih Tzu’s behavior.

8. Can older Shih Tzus become more prone to biting?

Yes, as Shih Tzus age, they might become more irritable due to factors like pain, decreased vision, or cognitive decline. It’s crucial to monitor their health with regular veterinary check-ups and understand their evolving needs and boundaries.

9. Which toys or tools can help in mitigating my Shih Tzu’s biting tendencies?

Offering chew toys, teething rings, or interactive toys can be beneficial in redirecting a Shih Tzu’s biting tendencies. Engaging them in play and training sessions also helps in channeling their energy and reduces unwanted behaviors.

10. Do male Shih Tzus bite more often than females?

There isn’t substantial evidence to suggest that male Shih Tzus bite more than females. Factors like individual temperament, training, socialization, and health play a more prominent role in determining a Shih Tzu’s biting behavior than gender.

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