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11 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Obsessed With Your Shoes

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| September 18, 2024

You’re not alone if you’ve ever come home to find your dog happily chewing on your favorite pair of shoes. Many dogs seem to have an unshakable fascination with footwear, leaving their humans wondering what’s behind the obsession. Whether gnawing on a sneaker or burying a sandal in the backyard, dogs have a deep-rooted interest in shoes that sometimes seem baffling. From the scent to the texture, there are several reasons why your shoes are so irresistible to your furry friend.

They Love Your Scent


One of the main reasons dogs are drawn to your shoes is that they carry your scent. Dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell, and your shoes are a concentrated source of your unique odor. Your dog associates this scent with comfort, security, and affection, so they’re obsessed with sniffing or sleeping beside your shoes. To your dog, your scent is the strongest on items like shoes, which have been close to your feet all day. Shoes give them a little piece of you, even when you’re not around.

Shoes Are Fun to Chew

French Bulldog chewing shoe

Dogs love to chew, and your shoes provide the perfect mix of texture and resistance. Whether it’s leather boots or soft fabric sneakers, shoes offer a variety of surfaces for your dog to sink their teeth into. Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, especially for teething puppies or dogs needing to relieve stress. Shoes, with their durable materials, are particularly appealing as chew toys. Unfortunately, the satisfaction your dog gets from gnawing on them can sometimes lead to the destruction of your favorite footwear.

They’re Exploring the World


Dogs use their mouths to explore the world around them, and shoes are no exception. When dogs pick up your shoe, they investigate its texture, shape, and smell. This curiosity is particularly strong in puppies who are learning about their environment. By chewing or playing with shoes, dogs engage with new objects in their surroundings in the same way they would with toys or bones. For them, your shoes are just another intriguing object to examine, even if they’re also your most expensive pair of heels!

It Helps With Separation Anxiety

Dog Laying

If your dog tends to chew on your shoes when you’re not home, it could be a sign of separation anxiety. Shoes, because they carry your scent, become a source of comfort when your dog feels anxious or lonely. By surrounding themselves with items that smell like you, dogs try to soothe themselves in your absence. This behavior is particularly common in dogs closely bonded to their owners and feeling stressed when left alone. Chewing on shoes is their way of coping with the anxiety of being separated from you.

Shoes Are Easily Accessible


Let’s face it—shoes are often left lying around the house, making them an easy target for curious dogs. Unlike toys stored in a basket, shoes are usually kept in inaccessible places near the door or under the bed. This easy access means your dog doesn’t have to work hard to find something fun to play with. They can quickly grab a shoe, drag it to their favorite spot, and start chewing or playing. In many cases, the convenience of shoes makes them more attractive than other items in the house.

They Like the Texture


Shoes come in all sorts of materials, and for dogs, this variety makes them particularly appealing. Leather, canvas, rubber soles—each texture offers a new sensory experience for your dog’s mouth. The tough texture of a leather boot might feel satisfying to chew, while the softness of a sneaker could be more fun to carry around. Different textures stimulate different responses, making shoes an irresistible option for dogs who are looking for something interesting to gnaw on.

Shoes Provide Mental Stimulation


When your dog grabs a shoe, they’re not just playing—they’re also engaging their brain. For dogs, solving the “puzzle” of a shoe by carrying it, chewing it, or dragging it around provides mental stimulation. This is particularly true for dogs who might be bored and looking for something to do. Shoes, with their varied shapes, smells, and textures, offer a new challenge for dogs who enjoy figuring things out. While it might not be the mental stimulation you want for your shoes, it’s an engaging way for dogs to pass the time.

They Want Your Attention


Sometimes, dogs grab your shoes simply because they know it will get a reaction. Whether playfully carrying your shoe or chewing it to bits, your dog quickly learns that messing with your shoes gets your attention. Dogs are smart and quickly figure out which behaviors make their humans react. If your dog feels bored or neglected, they might target your shoes to provoke a response, even if that response is a stern “No!” or a game of chase around the house. For them, any attention is better than none!

Shoes Remind Them of Play


Dogs are naturally playful, and shoes—especially sneakers or sandals—can remind them of outdoor activities like walking or running. Your dog might associate certain shoes with fun outings, making them more likely to grab them in excitement. The sight of your shoes might trigger thoughts of walks, hikes, or trips to the park, which is why your dog seems particularly obsessed when they see you lacing up. Shoes can spark playtime memories even when you’re not wearing them, leading your dog to treat them as toys.

They’re Marking Their Territory


Just as dogs mark their territory outside, they sometimes “claim” objects inside the home as well. Chewing or carrying your shoes can be your dog’s way of marking their territory with their scent, mixing it with yours. This behavior is especially common in multi-pet households, where your dog might need to assert dominance or claim certain items as their own. Shoes, with their strong scent of you, are the perfect item for your dog to “claim” as a part of their space.

They’re Acting Out of Boredom


When dogs lack mental or physical stimulation, they often act out by chewing or playing with inappropriate items—like your shoes. Boredom can lead to destructive behaviors, and shoes are often the target because they’re easy to find and fun to chew. Dogs who don’t get enough exercise or playtime during the day might turn to your shoes to entertain themselves. This boredom-induced obsession with shoes can be curbed by providing more engaging activities, such as puzzle toys or regular walks.

When Shoes Are Just Too Irresistible


Your dog’s obsession with your shoes blends instinct, curiosity, and playful mischief. Whether they’re drawn to your scent, seeking comfort, or just looking for something to chew, shoes hold a special fascination for them. While finding your favorite sneakers chewed up might be frustrating, it also reminds you how much your dog loves and feels attached to you. So, the next time you catch them running off with a sandal, remember their shoe obsession is another endearing part of their quirky charm!