Nature is full of surprises; sometimes, when we think an animal has vanished forever, it makes a shocking comeback. Whether due to habitat destruction, climate change, or simply the inability to spot them in the wild, many species have been declared extinct—only to later reappear, proving everyone wrong. These so-called “Lazarus species” have defied science, baffled researchers, and given conservationists a reason to celebrate. From tiny frogs to massive mammals, these creatures have a knack for playing hide-and-seek with humans.
The coelacanth is the ultimate comeback story. This prehistoric fish, alongside the dinosaurs, was thought to have gone extinct around 66 million years ago. Then 1938, a South African fisherman caught one, proving that this “living fossil” was still alive. Coelacanths are deep-sea dwellers, which explains why they avoided detection for so long. They have a bizarre, lobed fin structure that scientists believe could offer clues about the transition from sea creatures to land animals. Despite their ancient origins, coelacanths are still hanging around, making them one of the biggest surprises in the animal kingdom.
Chacoan Peccary
The Chacoan peccary, a pig-like mammal native to South America, was believed to have gone extinct thousands of years ago. That is until scientists stumbled upon a live population in 1975. It turns out that local indigenous communities had known about the peccary all along—science was just late to the party. Unlike its extinct relatives, the Chacoan peccary has adapted to harsh environments, surviving in dry, thorny forests. Their rediscovery was a huge win for conservationists, proving that some species are just really good at staying off the radar.
Pygmy Tarsier
With its huge eyes and tiny body, the pygmy tarsier looks more like a cartoon character than a real animal. Thought to have gone extinct in the early 20th century, these tiny primates were rediscovered in Indonesia in 2008. Their nocturnal and tree-dwelling habits make them incredibly hard to find, which is likely why they evaded humans for so long. Researchers are now studying their population numbers, hoping to ensure their survival. In the meantime, their rediscovery proves that sometimes, the cutest creatures are also the hardest to find.
The takahe, a large, flightless bird from New Zealand, was thought to have vanished in the late 1800s. However, in 1948, a dedicated researcher named Geoffrey Orbell rediscovered a small population hiding deep in the remote Fiordland mountains. With their bright blue feathers and strong red beaks, these birds are strikingly beautiful—but also incredibly good at avoiding humans. Since their rediscovery, conservation programs have helped their numbers increase, though they are still considered endangered. As far as surprise bird sightings go, this one was a big deal.
Terror Bird (Phorusrhacids)
These prehistoric, flightless birds—sometimes called “terror birds”—were thought to have died out millions of years ago. However 2006, researchers discovered fossil evidence suggesting that some species may have survived in South America up until just a few thousand years ago. Some locals even claim sightings of giant, fast-moving birds, fueling speculation that a few may still exist in deep, unexplored regions. While the odds are slim, the idea that a massive, carnivorous bird could still be out there is both terrifying and exciting.
Japanese River Otter
Declared extinct in 2012, the Japanese river otter was once widespread but disappeared due to habitat destruction and overhunting. However, recent reported sightings, DNA evidence, and camera trap footage suggest that a few may still exist in Japan’s remote rivers. Scientists are now actively searching for proof that this playful species is alive. If found, it would be one of Japan’s greatest wildlife rediscoveries. Until then, it remains a symbol of hope for conservationists.
Fernandina Giant Tortoise
For over a century, the Fernandina giant tortoise was thought to be gone forever. Then, in 2019, researchers in the Galápagos Islands found a living female, proving that these slow-moving reptiles had outlasted their presumed extinction. Their remote and rugged habitat likely helped them stay hidden from human eyes. Since their rediscovery, conservationists have searched for more individuals to ensure the species’ survival. The biggest twist? DNA testing later confirmed that this tortoise was over 100 years old—talk about playing the long game.
Woolly Flying Squirrel
The woolly flying squirrel, native to Pakistan, was thought to have gone extinct for nearly a century before being rediscovered in the late 1990s. This bizarre-looking rodent is one of the largest flying squirrels in the world and is covered in thick, woolly fur to survive its chilly mountain habitat. Despite its rediscovery, it remains elusive, with very few recorded sightings. Scientists are still trying to learn more about its behavior and population size. For now, it seems this high-flying furball prefers to stay off the radar.
Javan Elephant
While Javan elephants were considered extinct for over a century, researchers later discovered that a small population had survived in Borneo. These elephants, slightly smaller than their mainland relatives, had quietly persisted in the dense jungle without humans realizing it. DNA testing confirmed that these elephants were direct descendants of the supposedly extinct Javan species. Today, conservationists are working to protect their habitat from deforestation and poaching. It turns out that hiding in the jungle is a solid survival plan.
Crest-tailed Mulgara
This small, carnivorous marsupial was thought to have vanished in the early 1900s, but in 2017, researchers rediscovered it in the Australian outback. The crest-tailed mulgara, a relative of the Tasmanian devil, is a tough little creature that thrives in harsh desert conditions. Unlike other small mammals that rely on water, mulgaras can survive entirely on the moisture from their prey. Their ability to live in extreme environments likely helped them avoid detection for so long. If you thought surviving without drinking water was impossible, this marsupial would like to prove you wrong.
Terror Skink
With a name like “terror skink,” you’d expect something monstrous, but this long-lost lizard, also known as Boucort’s terrific skink, is more strange than scary. Thought to be extinct, this rare reptile was rediscovered in 2003 on a remote island off New Caledonia. It has an unusual set of sharp, curved teeth, making it one of the few predatory skinks in the world. Scientists still know little about this species, as sightings remain rare. If Jurassic Park ever needed a new star, the terror skink would definitely fit the bill.
Megamouth Shark
The megamouth shark, a filter feeder like the basking shark, was unknown to science until 1976, when one was accidentally caught off the coast of Hawaii. Before that, it was assumed to be long extinct, as no living specimen had ever been documented. With its massive, gaping mouth and eerie deep-sea appearance, this slow-moving shark was an instant sensation. To this day, megamouth sightings remain extremely rare, but they have proven that plenty of deep-sea creatures are still waiting to be discovered. If this giant evaded detection for so long, who knows what else lurks in the ocean?
Bermuda Petrel
Also called the “Cahow,” the Bermuda petrel was considered extinct for over 300 years before being rediscovered in 1951. This nocturnal seabird was once widespread but was devastated by invasive species and habitat loss. When a small breeding colony was found clinging to survival, conservationists launched an intense recovery program. Today, their numbers are slowly rising, proving that even after centuries of absence, some species can return. As one of the longest “extinct” species to be rediscovered, the Bermuda petrel is a true survival story.
The Animal Kingdom’s Ultimate Hide-and-Seek Champions
These animals would take home the gold if playing dead was an Olympic sport. They disappeared for decades, only to reappear when no one expected them. Some hid in plain sight, others in the ocean’s depths, and a few enjoyed proving scientists wrong. Whether giant tortoises or venomous shrew-like creatures, their incredible comebacks remind us that nature still holds plenty of surprises. So, the next time someone declares an animal extinct, maybe hold off on the funeral—because it might be planning a dramatic comeback!