There’s a quote by renowned journalist Ambrose Bierce that goes, “The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog.”
I say that’s true! Dogs get extra affectionate and very playful when they’re wet! I’m sure all you dog owners experience that regularly after you give your dogs a bath.
Wet dogs are not just affectionate and playful, they are adorable too! And a creative photographer named Sophie Gamand took amazing photos to prove just that!
Sophie Gamand has captured the funny and awkwardly adorable side of wet dogs and we just can’t get enough of it! Each dog shows a different kind of emotion.
There’s mad the face:

…there’s the happy face:

…and there’s a sad face too!

Wanna see more? Check out the video below and see the slideshow that BuzzFeed created out of the adorable wet dog photos! This is just too cute to miss!
Awwww…they’re all so cute! I just can’t get enough of those cute and funny faces!
If you wanna see more of these adorable wet dog photos, head on over to Sophie Gamand’s website and check out her Wet Dog Book! It has 120 photos of wet dog cuteness!
Have you ever tried taking a photo of your wet dog? How did it turn out? Tell us about it in the comments section below!