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A Fence Blocks A Sulking Lab From The Love Of Her Life

Dogs are pack animals and thrive when they are together. Many dog parents are owned by more than one dog, while other single-dog moms and dads make it a point to socialize their pups with neighboring canines or dogs at the park. These interactions can be crucial to a dog’s development and well-being. In this adorable video, we see just how important these friendships can be. Two neighboring canines, a Labrador and a German Shepherd, care an awful lot about … Read more

25 Things to Love About Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retrievers, often simply called “Labs,” are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States and many other parts of the world. Renowned for their friendly nature, intelligence, and versatility, Labs makes exceptional family pets, assistance dogs, and companions. Originally bred as fishing and hunting dogs in Newfoundland, Canada, their strong build, keen intelligence, and natural affinity for water make them excellent retrievers. Labs come in three classic colors: black, yellow, and chocolate, each with the same … Read more

The 7 Most Unusual Habits of Labs

Labrador Retrievers, often simply called “Labs,” are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, cherished for their friendly nature, intelligence, and versatility. Originally bred as fishing and hunting dogs in Newfoundland, Canada, Labs are known for their love of water, strong work ethic, and gentle disposition. However, their amiable and adaptable nature often belies some of their more unusual habits. These peculiar behaviors not only provide insight into their historical functions but also add to the unique … Read more

The 8 Best Dog Foods For Labs – 2024

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Choosing the best dog food for Labrador Retrievers is pivotal to their health and happiness. Labradors are known for their boundless energy, friendly nature, and, unfortunately, their tendency to develop certain health issues such as hip dysplasia and obesity. Therefore, finding the right nutrition is crucial to support their active lifestyle and manage these health risks. In … Read more

Woman Buys Her Lab A ‘Dancing Skirt’ And Dog Shakes Her Hips Like A Pro

Dogs often show their joy with enthusiastic tail wags and smiles, moving about with an energy that conveys their boundless appreciation for the affection they receive from their humans. One dog, in particular, was so thrilled to receive a special gift from her mom that her tail wags transformed into an entire dance routine. Fortunately, her human captured this delightful moment on video, resulting in an irresistibly adorable clip. Peggy, a Labrador Retriever, has always been known for her happy … Read more

How Much Do You Feed a Lab

Labrador Retrievers, often simply referred to as “Labs,” are among the most popular dog breeds worldwide. Known for their friendly demeanor, intelligence, and boundless energy, they are adored as family pets, service dogs, and hunting companions. Proper nutrition is vital to maintain their vibrant health, cater to their high energy levels, and support their hefty size. The amount to feed a Lab varies based on several factors, including the caloric content of the chosen food. In this guide, we’ll explore … Read more

Guy Chokes Down His Tears When Paralyzed Dog Begins To Run

When David first spotted what he believed to be a deceased dog on the side of the road, he knew he had to give the pup a proper burial. When he stopped his car and bravely went to investigate, the dog was still alive, crying for help. Little did he know that his decision to pull over and rush the injured dog to the emergency vet would lead to an inspiring journey of recovery, love, and a new lease on … Read more

The 6 Most Unique Qualities of Labs

Labrador Retrievers, affectionately known as Labs, stands as one of the most beloved dog breeds worldwide, consistently topping popularity charts in various countries. Their widespread appeal can be attributed to a combination of unique qualities that they possess, setting them apart from other breeds. Originating from Newfoundland, Canada, Labs were initially used by fishermen to retrieve fishing nets and fish that had escaped hooks. Today, they are celebrated not only as friendly family pets but also as versatile working dogs, … Read more

The 5 Love Languages of Labs

Labrador Retrievers, affectionately known as Labs, are one of the most beloved dog breeds worldwide, cherished for their friendly nature, intelligence, and versatility. Their ability to connect with humans on a deep, emotional level is unparalleled, making them excellent family pets, loyal companions, and efficient working dogs in various roles. Understanding the unique ways Labs express their affection and bond with their humans can significantly enhance the relationship between these devoted dogs and their owners. Inspired by the concept of … Read more

The History and Origin of the Lab: A Comprehensive Look

The Labrador Retriever, affectionately known as the Lab, is one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States and a symbol of versatility and reliability worldwide. Originating from the rugged, coastal region of Newfoundland, now part of Canada, this breed’s journey from a fisherman’s companion to a beloved family pet is as rich and storied as it is fascinating. Initially bred to help retrieve fishing nets and catch escaping fish, the Lab’s excellent swimming ability, intelligence, and gentle … Read more

10 Life Lessons You Can Learn from a Lab

The Labrador Retriever, often simply called a Lab, is more than just one of the most popular dog breeds in the world; it’s a living embodiment of loyalty, joy, and unconditional love. Labs are renowned for their friendly nature, intelligence, and versatility, making them excellent family pets, service dogs, and companions. But the influence of a Lab extends beyond their ability to fetch or comfort; these dogs are profound teachers in their own right. Through their actions and interactions, Labs … Read more

10 Dog Breeds Similar to Labs

Labs, or Labrador Retrievers, are one of the most beloved dog breeds worldwide, renowned for their friendly nature, intelligence, and versatility. Labs excel in various roles, from family pets to service dogs, thanks to their trainable nature and gentle disposition. Their love for people, coupled with their eagerness to please, makes them ideal companions. However, the Labrador Retriever is not the only breed that embodies these admirable qualities. Several other breeds share similarities with Labs, whether in their friendly demeanor, … Read more

Lab Lifespan – What to Expect & How to Help a Lab Live Longer

Labrador Retrievers, affectionately known as Labs, are one of the most beloved dog breeds worldwide, cherished for their friendly nature, intelligence, and loyalty. These dogs are not just pets but become integral members of families, providing companionship that enriches lives in countless ways. Typically, Labs have a lifespan of 10 to 12 years, though some can live longer with excellent care and a bit of luck. Understanding what to expect regarding lifespan and the common health challenges is crucial for … Read more

Man Promises Dog Who Kept Getting Returned That His Heart Is Now Safe

A rescue puppy named Abe was saved along with his sister from Puerto Rico. His sister Abbie found a home without a problem but Abe was another story. Abe was adopted and then returned. John, the online editor at The Dodo, noticed Abe one day at work and asked his coworker Jordan about him. That’s when John learned about his sad tale. The Dodo is a company that revolves around animals so it’s only natural that dogs are allowed in … Read more

How to Clean a Lab’s Ears

Labrador Retrievers, with their friendly disposition and active lifestyle, are among the most popular dog breeds. An essential aspect of their care includes regular ear cleaning, especially since their floppy ears are more prone to infections and wax build-up. Proper ear hygiene is critical in maintaining their overall health and preventing complications such as ear infections, which can be painful and lead to hearing loss. Regular cleaning not only keeps their ears healthy but also gives you the chance to … Read more

Can Labs Eat Watermelon?

Labradors, known for their friendly nature and high energy levels, require a balanced diet to maintain their health and vitality. A common query among Labrador owners is about the suitability of various fruits in their pet’s diet, particularly watermelon. This juicy and refreshing fruit is a favorite summer treat for many, and it can be a healthy option for Labs as well. However, as with any food that is not a regular part of their diet, there are important considerations … Read more

Can Labs Eat Blueberries?

Labrador Retrievers, one of the most beloved dog breeds, are known for their friendly nature and strong bond with their families. As a Lab owner, ensuring your dog maintains a healthy diet is crucial for their overall well-being. A common question among Lab owners is about the safety and benefits of incorporating fruits, such as blueberries, into their dog’s diet. The good news is, Labs can indeed eat blueberries. These small, nutrient-rich fruits are not only safe for Labs but … Read more

Why You Should Be Concerned About Your Dog’s Extra “Hairy” Paws

Paw Pad Hyperkeratosis is often referred to as “hairy dog feet” because the paw pads take on a distinctly furry appearance. In fact, what you are seeing is an overgrowth of a tough, fibrous protein called keratin that resembles fur, but is actually rough, hard and quite uncomfortable for your dog. Keratin provides strength and resilience to the epithelial cells of skin, hair and nails, but sometimes the body makes too much, resulting in hyperkeratosis. When overproduced, this excess keratin forms a … Read more

Are Labs The Worst Dog? – Food for Thought

Labrador Retrievers, one of the most popular dog breeds worldwide, are beloved for their friendly nature, intelligence, and versatility. They are often the first choice for families, in service roles, and companions for outdoor enthusiasts. Despite their popularity, it’s important to acknowledge that Labs, like any breed, come with specific challenges. Understanding these aspects is crucial for potential and current owners to ensure they can provide the best care and environment for these dogs. This article aims to discuss the … Read more

10 Best Fresh Dog Food Brands for Labs in 2024

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Feeding your Lab the best fresh dog food can have a big impact on their overall health. There are so many brands out there, but many Lab parents are wary of the processed ingredients used in them. Have you ever considered making homemade food for your Lab but didn’t have enough time or knowledge to do it? … Read more

9 Best Smart Dog Feeders for Labs in 2024

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Feeding your Lab at certain times every day can be tricky, especially if you go out during their dinner time or sleep in past their breakfast time. A smart dog feeder for your Lab can help you feed at the right times, even when you’re not home. It’s a convenient option that helps keep your dog’s routine … Read more

9 Dog Breeds That Are Predisposed To Joint Problems

While any dog can get joint problems, because of genetic predisposition and body build, some breeds are more likely to develop these kinds of issues. Although all pup parents should watch for signs of joint pain or immobility, especially as their dogs age, certain breeds are more likely to develop joint issues. When purchasing a puppy, find out if the parents – or pups in any of their other litters – have ever shown signs of joint issues, like hip dysplasia. If your dog is already … Read more

Cost of a Lab Puppy by US Region [2024]

Labrador Retrievers, commonly referred to as Labs, are among the most popular dog breeds in the United States. Their friendly demeanor, intelligence, and versatility make them a favorite choice for families, hunters, and service work. However, the price of a Lab puppy can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the breeder’s reputation, the lineage of the puppy, any certifications, and regional demand. Here’s a general breakdown of what you can expect to pay for a Lab puppy in different … Read more

How to Help a Lab Lose Weight

Labs, or Labrador Retrievers, are some of the most beloved dog breeds worldwide, known for their friendly nature and intelligence. However, they are also prone to weight gain due to their love of food and their tendency to become less active as they age. Excess weight in Labs can lead to a variety of health problems, including joint issues, diabetes, and heart disease. It is, therefore, crucial for Lab owners to actively manage their pet’s weight to ensure a long, … Read more

The Best 10 Lab Activity Trackers For 2024

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. As a doting Lab parent, your dog’s health is a top priority. You make sure your Lab eats the best foods, gets regular veterinary care, enjoys plenty of playtime, and takes regular walks. Gauging just how much activity your Lab is getting can be difficult, though. But outfitting your best friend with one of the best dog … Read more

Dog Walked Over 60 Miles Searching For The Family That Left Her Behind

A man named Mike received a job offer he couldn’t pass up. He and his wife prepared their family home, packing box after box, allocating what should go with them and what should be donated. Mike was confident that his wife would ensure their dog, Cleo, was ready for their journey. His wife, however, thought that the children were watching Cleo. These costly mistakes resulted in catastrophe. In the hustle and bustle and goodbyes to neighbors and friends, Cleo was … Read more

Traveling with a Lab: Tips for Success

Traveling with a Labrador Retriever, one of the most popular and beloved dog breeds can be an enriching experience. Labs are known for their friendly disposition, intelligence, and adaptability, making them excellent travel companions. However, their size, energy levels, and specific needs require thoughtful planning and preparation to ensure a successful and enjoyable journey. Whether embarking on a long road trip, a flight, or a camping adventure, understanding how to cater to your Lab’s requirements is critical. This comprehensive guide … Read more

Why is My Lab Not Eating?

Labrador Retrievers, often called “Labs,” are well-loved for their friendly nature and voracious appetites. When a Lab stops eating, it can be alarming for owners, given their typically hearty eating habits. This article explores common reasons behind a Labrador’s loss of appetite and when it is necessary to seek veterinary care. Understanding Labrador Eating Habits Labradors are known for their love of food. They often eat enthusiastically and may even seem to have an insatiable appetite. A deviation from this … Read more