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10 Hilarious Things Only a German Shorthaired Pointer Owner Would Understand

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on May 17, 2023

As a lifelong German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) owner, I’ve lived through enough comedic episodes to have my own sitcom. Every day with a GSP is a joyride filled with laughter, love, and a few “what on earth” moments. So let’s dive into this delightful world of GSP ownership.

  1. The Nose Knows

A GSP’s nose is like a high-tech GPS for smells. They could be happily playing fetch, then suddenly, their nose twitches, and they’re off! They’ve picked up a scent from a squirrel that visited your yard three days ago and they’re going to track it down. Watching your GSP zigzagging across the yard, nose to the ground is like watching Sherlock Holmes on four legs.

  1. The Infinite Energy

If you thought the Energizer Bunny had stamina, wait until you meet a GSP. These dogs are the epitome of perpetual motion. They’ll run, jump, play, then run some more, and just when you think they must be exhausted, they’ll give you a look that says, “Again?” You haven’t known real fitness until you’ve tried to keep up with a GSP.

  1. The Sofa Takeover

Your GSP may start as a small, cuddly puppy, but they grow… and grow… and grow. And they firmly believe they’re still that small puppy. Watching your full-grown GSP trying to curl up on your lap, or stretch across your sofa as if they’re a Chihuahua, is a sight that never fails to bring a chuckle.

  1. The Bird Obsession

Birds are the bane and the boon of a GSP’s existence. Their instinctive pointing stance, with one paw lifted and tail straight can be triggered by something as simple as a sparrow landing in your yard. It’s a hilarious moment when they freeze mid-play, mid-meal, or even mid-sleep, just because they spotted a bird.

  1. The Swimming Lessons

GSPs love water. Puddles, ponds, pools, they’re not picky. The first time you introduce them to water, you might expect hesitation. But no, they dive in headfirst, with a joyous abandon that is hilariously endearing. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen a GSP do a cannonball into a pool.

  1. The Artistic Chewer

Every GSP is an aspiring artist. Their medium of choice? Whatever they can sink their teeth into. Shoes, toys, furniture – everything is a potential masterpiece. You’ll come home to find what was once a shoe is now an avant-garde sculpture.

  1. The Foodie Flirt

GSPs are food lovers. They’ll stare at you with those soulful eyes, drool a little, maybe wag their tail – all to get a bite of your sandwich. And the worst part? It works every time. Their charm is a force you simply can’t resist.

  1. The Unexpected Cuddler

For such an active breed, GSPs are surprisingly good at cuddling. They’ll nudge their way into your lap, or curl up next to you, and before you know it, you’re trapped under a heap of warm, snuggly dogs. It’s a comical paradox that such a lively breed can be so mellow and loving.

  1. The Dramatic Pout

When a GSP wants something, they’re not shy about letting you know. If they’re unhappy, you’ll see the most dramatic, heart-wrenching pout ever to grace a canine face. It’s like living with a four-legged Oscar winner.

  1. The Overjoyed Greetings

GSPs don’t believe in calm greetings. Every time you come home, it’s like you’ve been gone for years. They’ll jump, wag, lick, and generally go berserk with joy. It’s a wonderful if not slightly overwhelming, welcome-home ritual that will leave you laughing and covered in dog kisses.

In the end, owning a German Shorthaired Pointer is an adventure filled with laughter, love, and a little bit of madness. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. So here’s to our tireless runners, our snuggly sofa mates, and our unending sources of laughter. Long may they reign in our hearts and homes!

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