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10 Hilarious Things Only a Greyhound Owner Would Understand

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| May 16, 2023

Hello, fellow Greyhound devotees! If you’ve sprinted your way into this humor-infused corner of the web, you’re likely a Greyhound owner, contemplating becoming one, or simply a fan of lighthearted canine narratives. So, let’s kick off this amusing expedition into the heartwarmingly entertaining world of Greyhound ownership.

  1. The Speedy Sofa Spud

    Greyhounds are known for their astonishing speed. But what many don’t know is they’re also champion couch potatoes. One moment they’re zooming around like a bullet, the next they’re sprawled on the sofa, snoring like a freight train. You’ll often find yourself questioning how a dog can transition from racehorse to sloth in seconds.

  2. The Noodle Neck

    Greyhounds have long, flexible necks that they use to their advantage. They’ll crane their necks to sniff out treats or to get a better look at something interesting, leaving you amused and slightly awed by their noodle-like flexibility.

  3. The Blanket Burrower

    Greyhounds love to burrow under blankets. You’ll often walk into a room to find a blanket moving mysteriously, only to discover your Greyhound has made a cozy den. The sight of a greyhound’s nose poking out from a pile of blankets never gets old.

  4. The Prancing Pony

    Greyhounds have a unique, springy gait that often resembles a prancing pony. It’s a delightful sight that’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face, even on the gloomiest of days.

  5. The Skinny Dipper

    Despite their athletic appearance, Greyhounds are not known for their love of water. Attempting to get a Greyhound into a bath can turn into a comical wrestling match, with the Greyhound often coming out as the victor.

  6. The Tooth Chatterer

    If you’re a Greyhound owner, you’re familiar with the “chattering teeth” phenomenon. When they’re excited or anxious, their teeth might chatter like they’re cold. Don’t worry, they’re not freezing – they’re just expressing their feelings in their unique Greyhound way.

  7. The Dramatic Roach

    Greyhounds are famous for their “roach” position, where they lie on their back with their legs in the air. The first time you see it, you might think they’ve dramatically passed out, but don’t worry – they’re just incredibly comfortable.

  8. The Cat-like Canine

    Greyhounds are known for their cat-like behaviors. They’ll perch on the back of your sofa, groom themselves meticulously, and even show a fondness for high places. You’ll often find yourself wondering if you adopted a dog or a very large cat.

  9. The Silent SBDs

    Greyhounds are notorious for their silent but deadly flatulence. They’ll let one rip and then look at you with innocent eyes, leaving you to bear the brunt of the blame when guests start to notice the smell.

  10. The Loving Lean

    Greyhounds are known for their “lean”. When they trust and love you, they’ll lean their entire body weight against you. It’s a heartwarming gesture that’s sure to make you feel loved, even if it occasionally knocks you off balance.

And there you have it! The humorously heartwarming world of Greyhound ownership, where every day is an adventure filled with laughter, love, and occasional bouts of surprising speed. These fast, affectionate, and somewhat comical dogs are more than just pets; they’re family. Once you’ve experienced life with a Greyhound, no other breed will quite race into your heart in the same way.

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