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10 Hilarious Things Only a Shar Pei Owner Would Understand

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on May 16, 2023

Hello, fellow Shar Pei companions! If you’ve found this giggle-inducing corner of the internet, you’re likely a Shar Pei owner, considering becoming one, or just an admirer of dog-centered humor. Let’s embark on this hilarious exploration into the uniquely entertaining world of Shar Pei ownership.

  1. The Wrinkle-Wrangle

    Shar Peis are famous for their abundant wrinkles. You’ll find yourself constantly explaining that no, your dog is not old and grumpy; they’re just naturally this wrinkly. You might even start to envy their ability to make wrinkles look so adorable.

  2. The Tiny-Eared Wonder

    Shar Peis have notoriously small ears. Friends, family, and strangers alike will often comment on them, and you’ll find yourself defending your dog’s hearing ability far more than you ever anticipated.

  3. The Snore Symphony

    With their compact facial structure, Shar Peis are champion snorers. Their nighttime symphony is a unique blend of snuffles, grunts, and sighs that can be surprisingly endearing – once you’ve invested in some good earplugs.

  4. The Skin-Care Expert

    As a Shar Pei owner, you’ve become an unexpected expert in canine skin care. Keeping those wrinkles clean and dry is a full-time job, and you’ve got an impressive array of creams, wipes, and powders to prove it.

  5. The Suspicious Observer

    Shar Peis are known for their aloof and reserved nature. They’ll often observe the world with a somewhat suspicious expression, making you wonder just what they’re thinking about. Are they judging your outfit? Contemplating the meaning of life? We may never know.

  6. The Roll-Play

    Watching a Shar Pei play is like watching a living, barking roll of dough. Their wrinkles roll and bounce in the most hilarious ways, providing endless entertainment for you and anyone lucky enough to witness the spectacle.

  7. The Tongue Mystery

    Much like their Chow Chow cousins, Shar Peis are known for their unique blue-black tongues. You’ll find yourself having to explain that no, your dog did not just finish a blueberry lollipop, that’s just their tongue color.

  8. The Huggable Hippo

    With their broad heads and round bodies, Shar Peis often resemble little hippos. This can lead to an uncontrollable urge to hug them, though they’ll usually tolerate it with their signature stoic patience.

  9. The Independent Thinker

    Shar Peis are known for their independent and sometimes stubborn nature. They’ll often choose to do things their own way, leading to some humorous and unexpected moments. Their “I do what I want” attitude is part of their charm, even if it does test your patience at times.

  10. The Loveable Loaf

    Shar Peis have a way of tucking their legs beneath their bodies and turning themselves into what looks like a loaf of bread. It’s a heart-melting sight that you’ll never tire of, no matter how many times you see it.

And there we have it – a peek into the hilariously heartwarming world of Shar Pei ownership. These quirky, independent, and endearing dogs are more than just pets; they’re family. Once you’ve experienced life with a Shar Pei, no other breed will quite wrinkle your heart in the same way.

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