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Dogs are hands down, without a doubt, the friendliest creatures on the planet! Toothy smiles, sparkling eyes, wagging tails – these guys were made for companionship! It’s no secret that they’re man’s best friend, and their friendliness sometimes extends to dogs that might be a bit… different. These pictures are evidence that no matter how strange a different dog may seem, your dog would probably be happy to befriend it!


Can my new friend come in?
Can my new friend come in? – Source

Don’t be surprised if your dog wants to have a friend over for dinner, like this bandit dog.

Mama cat is introducing her babies to her new friend!
Mama cat is introducing her babies to her new friend! – Source

Some dogs may want to have a friend’s family over, like this family of meow-dogs.

Just hanging out with my buddy...
Just hanging out with my buddy… – Source

And don’t be surprised if those friends are dogs that don’t look like your dog – and don’t tell if you suspect that they may not be the big orange dog your dog thinks they are!

What kind of dog are you?
What kind of dog are you? – Source

Always be sure to provide options for vegetarian and vegan dogs. Some may also choose to go gluten-free.

Your dog may also want to invite a friend over for a lazy day. Some guests may be too shy to ask for a spot on the couch.

Can we keep him, please?
Can we keep him, please? – Source

But it’s polite to offer a cozy seat, even to feather dogs like this one, and make sure there’s something for everyone on TV.

Are you replacing me with these dogs?
Are you replacing me with these dogs? – Source

It’s also polite to ask your dog’s guests if the temperature in your home is comfortable. You don’t need to adjust your thermostat, but guest fuzz dogs like the above may need a warm, wooly blanket.

Two unlikely friends meet...
Two unlikely friends meet… – Source

Or maybe a fan, or ice, or some packed snow!

Awww...they look so cute together!
Awww…they look so cute together! – Source

Your dog may want a friend to stay longer – add a new family member!

And I thought dogs love to chase squirrels!
And I thought dogs love to chase squirrels! – Source

Maybe somebody they met in the yard or at the park!

What a strange lil puppy...
What a strange lil puppy… – Source

Your dog has a lot of love to go around, and new friends – no matter how weird a dog they might be – are always great!

Are you doggies too?
Are you doggies too? – Source

Encourage your dog to make some new friends, smile at every dog, no matter how big or small, fur or feathery – dogs love other dogs of all kinds!

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