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13 Perfectly-Timed Photos Of Dogs

| November 1, 2016

We pup parents know that our canines aren’t always cooperative when it comes to a photo-op! You may have a zillion pictures on your phone of all the adorable ways she lounges and sleeps, but when it comes to actually posing your pooch, for most of us, it’s a huge challenge!

In the pictures below, each photographer happened to catch a one-in-a-million shot of a pooch positioned perfectly in his or her element. From mutts that look like magicians to dogs that seem to be silly animal hybrids, we hope you enjoy these 13 perfectly-timed photos of dogs!

1. This pup is sniffing a chalk drawing’s butt…

Image Source: Imgur
Image Source: Imgur

2. This pooch found a not-so-secret hiding spot…

Image Source: Imgur
Image Source: Imgur

3. This pooch looks like a scaredy cat…

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

4. Then there’s this fire-breathing dragon dog…

Image Source: Imgur
Image Source: Imgur

5. Check out  this pup, who’s got the most intense concentration we’ve ever seen…

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

6. And this model, whose portrait is the perfect depiction of his personality…

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

7. This magical dog can fly when she thinks no one is looking…

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

8. And this pooch is trying to chomp this poor lady’s arm…

Image Source: Imgur
Image Source: Imgur

9. And this pup? He’s going straight for the head…

Image Source: Imgur
Image Source: Imgur


10. You’ll love  this canine, who’s totally feeling his Halloween costume…

Image Source: Imgur
Image Source: Imgur


11. And this pup who’s lost in the artwork…

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

12. This giraffe-dog has a shockingly long neck…

Image Source: Imgur
Image Source: Imgur

13. And as if you didn’t think dogs were amazing enough, this one can walk on water!

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit


Do you have any pictures of your pup in perfect timing or as part of an illusion? We’d love to see it–share in the comments below!

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