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4 Ways to Help Your Pomeranian’s Fear of Fireworks This 4th of July

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on June 8, 2023

The boisterous celebration of Independence Day brings joy to many, but the vibrant fireworks displays can often be a source of stress for our canine companions. This is particularly true for Pomeranians, a breed known for their sensitivity to loud noises despite their bold and lively nature. This article offers four practical ways you can help your Pomeranian overcome their fear of fireworks this 4th of July.

1. Create a Safe and Soothing Environment

Establishing a safe, comfortable zone in your home where your Pomeranian can retreat when fireworks begin can greatly help alleviate their stress. This space should be quiet, familiar, and filled with items that your dog associates with safety and comfort such as their favorite toys, a comfortable bed, and blankets with your scent.

To further muffle the sound of fireworks, consider playing soft music or using a white noise machine. Some Pomeranians find anxiety wraps or ‘Thundershirts,’ which apply gentle pressure to their bodies, comforting during stressful situations.

2. Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning

Desensitization is a technique that involves gradually introducing your Pomeranian to the sound of fireworks in a controlled environment. Begin by playing recordings of fireworks at a low volume and reward your Pomeranian for displaying calm behavior. Over time, slowly increase the volume as your dog becomes more comfortable.

Counter-conditioning, on the other hand, aims to change your Pomeranian’s emotional response to fireworks. The goal is to replace their fear and anxiety with positive associations. You can do this by giving treats, praises, or engaging in a favorite game each time the firework sounds are played.

3. CBD Oil

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD oil, derived from the hemp plant, has gained attention in the pet wellness world for its potential calming properties. Unlike THC, another compound found in cannabis, CBD does not have psychoactive effects, meaning it will not make your dog ‘high.’

Research indicates that CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in regulating stress and anxiety among other bodily functions. This interaction suggests that CBD oil could potentially help calm your Pomeranian during noisy fireworks displays.

When choosing CBD oil for your pet, ensure it is pet-specific, THC-free, and from a reputable source. Start with a low dosage and closely monitor your pet’s reaction. Always consult with your vet before introducing new supplements to your Pomeranian’s diet.

You can learn more about the CBD that the iHeartDogs team uses and recommends here. 

4. Professional Assistance

If your Pomeranian’s fear of fireworks is severe and the above strategies do not seem to provide significant improvement, it may be worthwhile to seek professional assistance. An animal behaviorist or a professional dog trainer can provide personalized strategies based on your dog’s specific needs and behaviors. They can also help identify if your Pomeranian’s fear of fireworks might be a part of broader behavioral or emotional issues and guide you through appropriate therapies.

In conclusion, managing your Pomeranian’s fear of fireworks can involve creating a safe and comforting environment, implementing desensitization and counter-conditioning techniques, considering the use of CBD oil, and consulting professional help when necessary. With patience, love, and consistent effort, your Pomeranian can learn to cope with the 4th of July fireworks with less fear and anxiety.

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