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5 Tips for Teaching Your Pit Bull Not to Jump on People

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| June 13, 2023

Whether you’re a proud parent of an exuberant Pit Bull puppy or an adult Pit Bull with boundless energy, one behavior that can quickly become a problem is jumping on people. Although this act is often fueled by excitement and friendliness, it can be dangerous, particularly around children or elderly individuals who are easily knocked over. So, here are five tips for teaching your Pit Bull not to jump on people.

⚠️ Note: While the tips below should get you started, it’s important to realize that for best results, you should take your German Shepherd through a more complete dog training course. Consider looking into an online training course that specifically addresses jumping (we like SpiritDog’s “Focus” course or K9 Institute’s Dog Masterclass)

1. Begin Early and Be Consistent

Training should ideally start when your Pit Bull is still a puppy. This is when they’re most receptive to learning, and habits, both good and bad, haven’t become ingrained. However, even adult dogs can learn new behaviors with patience and consistency. From the moment you start the training, everyone in the household must be on board. Consistency is key: if you don’t want your dog to jump on people, this should apply at all times, not just when certain people are around or only in specific areas of the house.

2. Teach an Alternate Behavior

Often, the most effective way to stop an undesired behavior is to teach your dog what you want them to do instead. For instance, you can teach your Pit Bull to “sit” or “stay” when they greet people. Begin by practicing this behavior in a calm environment without distractions. Then gradually add in the types of stimuli that usually excite your dog and cause them to jump, such as the doorbell or a family member coming home.

3. Ignore the Jumping

Dogs often jump because it gets their attention. Even if the attention is negative, like being told “No!”, it’s still rewarding. Instead, try ignoring the jumping completely. Turn your back, avoid eye contact, and don’t speak to your dog until all four paws are on the ground. As soon as they’re calm, reward them with praise, a treat, or a pet. This way, your Pit Bull learns that jumping up gets them nothing, but keeping its feet on the floor gets them everything.

4. Use Leash Training

The leash can be a useful tool for jump training, particularly for those instances when ignoring the behavior isn’t feasible, like during walks when your dog may encounter strangers. With your Pit Bull on a leash, step on it far enough from the clip that it can comfortably sit or stand but not jump. Ask a friend to approach. If your dog attempts to jump up, it will be unable to due to the leash’s restraint. This technique should be combined with rewarding the desired behavior — like sitting or staying calm — as the person approaches.

5. Consider an Online Dog Training Course

Finally, if you’re finding it difficult to train your Pit Bull not to jump, you might consider enrolling in an online dog training course. These courses offer expert guidance that you can follow at your own pace, often with video demonstrations and support from professional trainers. Just remember to choose a course that uses positive reinforcement methods, which are not only humane but also scientifically proven to be effective for dog training.

Our 2 favorite courses that address dogs jumping on people are:

1. SpiritDog’s Focus Course (best on a budget)

The “Focus in Public – Out and About” course by SpiritDog Training, led by expert trainer Steffi Trott, is designed to help dog owners improve their pets’ behavior in public. The course includes 21 lessons covering topics such as achieving full dog engagement, training perfect heels, teaching dogs to settle on a mat anywhere, and playing fun games in public places. The course has lifetime access and a 60-day money-back guarantee.

2. K9 Training Institute’s “Dog Masterclass” (best overall)

More than just a course that teaches your dog not to jump, this more comprehensive training class tackles any behavior problem you might face with your dog.

Remember, every dog is unique, and some might take longer than others to learn not to jump. Be patient with your Pit Bull and celebrate small victories along the way. With consistency, positive reinforcement, and possibly the help of an online course, you can help your Pit Bull become the polite and well-mannered pet you know it can be.

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