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5 Tips for Teaching Your Pug Not to Jump on People

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| June 13, 2023

Pugs are known for their sociable and gentle personalities, their compact bodies, and their expressive, wrinkly faces. But these adorable little dogs can also be a bit too enthusiastic when it comes to greeting people, often resorting to jumping up as a way of saying hello. If you have a pug that’s been using your knees as a springboard, you might be seeking ways to redirect this behavior. Here are five tips for teaching your Pug not to jump on people.

⚠️ Note: While the tips below should get you started, it’s important to realize that for best results, you should take your German Shepherd through a more complete dog training course. Consider looking into an online training course that specifically addresses jumping (we like SpiritDog’s “Focus” course or K9 Institute’s Dog Masterclass)

1. Start Training Early

The best time to train a dog not to jump on people is when they’re a puppy. Puppies are like sponges, soaking up information about their world, and this includes learning what behaviors are acceptable and what aren’t. When it comes to your pug, try to establish the ‘four on the floor’ rule early on. This means rewarding your pup when all four feet are on the ground, and ignoring them when they’re not.

2. Ignore Unwanted Behaviors

Jumping is usually a way for dogs to get attention. Your pug likely jumps because it has learned that jumping equals attention and perhaps even some playtime. Even if the attention is negative—such as pushing them away or saying ‘No’—it’s still attention in your dog’s eyes. The best thing you can do is completely ignore your pug when they jump up. Turn away from them, avoid eye contact, and don’t touch or speak to them until they’re calm and all four paws are on the ground.

3. Reward Good Behavior

When your pug is calm and has all four paws on the ground, that’s the time to shower them with praise and attention. You might even give them a treat or a favorite toy as a reward. Over time, your pug will begin to associate staying grounded with positive attention and rewards, which will help deter jumping.

4. Teach Alternative Behaviors

Another useful strategy is to teach your pug an alternative behavior. For example, you might train your pug to sit or lie down when they greet people instead of jumping. Start by practicing this behavior in a quiet environment with few distractions. Once your pug has mastered the command, slowly start adding distractions, like new people or environments, until your pug can perform the behavior reliably, even in exciting situations.

5. Try an Online Dog Training Course

If you’re struggling with training your pug on your own, consider signing up for an online dog training course. These courses can guide you through the training process step by step, providing you with the knowledge and tools to address your pug’s jumping habit effectively.

Our 2 favorite courses that address dogs jumping on people are:

1. SpiritDog’s Focus Course (best on a budget)

The “Focus in Public – Out and About” course by SpiritDog Training, led by expert trainer Steffi Trott, is designed to help dog owners improve their pets’ behavior in public. The course includes 21 lessons covering topics such as achieving full dog engagement, training perfect heels, teaching dogs to settle on a mat anywhere, and playing fun games in public places. The course has lifetime access and a 60-day money-back guarantee.


2. K9 Training Institute’s “Dog Masterclass” (best overall)

More than just a course that teaches your dog not to jump, this more comprehensive training class tackles any behavior problem you might face with your dog.

Online courses are flexible and convenient, allowing you to progress at your own pace. Plus, they cover a wide range of topics, from basic obedience to specific problem behaviors. Most also provide support through community forums where you can ask questions and share experiences with other dog owners.

In conclusion, teaching a pug not to jump on people requires consistency, patience, and a positive approach. Start training early, ignore jumping and reward staying grounded, teach alternative behaviors, and consider an online dog training course for extra guidance. With persistence, your pug will learn to keep all four paws on the floor, resulting in more comfortable and less chaotic greetings for everyone involved.

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