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5 Tips for Teaching Your Weimaraner Not to Jump on People

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on June 13, 2023

Weimaraners, with their friendly nature and limitless energy, are an absolute joy to have around. However, their enthusiastic greeting can sometimes come across as too enthusiastic, particularly when they jump on people. If you’re a Weimaraner owner looking to curb this behavior, here are five effective strategies.

⚠️ Note: While the tips below should get you started, it’s important to realize that for best results, you should take your German Shepherd through a more complete dog training course. Consider looking into an online training course that specifically addresses jumping (we like SpiritDog’s “Focus” course or K9 Institute’s Dog Masterclass)

1. Embrace Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement, rewarding your dog for the behavior you want to see, lies at the heart of effective dog training. Every time your Weimaraner meets someone without jumping, reward them immediately. Rewards can take the form of a treat, their favorite toy, or simply verbal praise. By consistently rewarding good behavior, your Weimaraner will understand that a calm greeting is more rewarding than a bouncy one.

2. Teach Key Commands

Training your Weimaraner to follow basic commands like ‘sit’ and ‘off’ can help manage their jumping behavior. Teach your Weimaraner to ‘sit’ before greeting someone, offering a reward for their compliance. If they jump, use the ‘off’ command and guide them back to the ground if necessary. Regular practice and reinforcement of these commands can help manage your Weimaraner’s energetic greetings.

3. Use the Ignore Technique

Dogs often jump because they’re seeking attention. By ignoring your Weimaraner when they jump, you’re communicating that this behavior will not earn them the attention they desire. When they jump, turn your back, avoid eye contact, and withhold interaction until they calm down and all four paws are back on the ground. This technique reinforces that calm behavior is more likely to earn them attention.

4. Employ Time-Outs

If ignoring the behavior doesn’t curb the jumping, consider using time-outs. When your Weimaraner jumps, calmly guide them to a quiet, safe space where they can calm down. This isn’t a punishment but a learning opportunity for your dog to understand that jumping disrupts their social interactions.

5. Consider an Online Dog Training Course

Lastly, consider trying an online dog training course. These courses provide comprehensive, step-by-step instructions developed by experienced trainers that help manage a range of behavioral issues, including jumping.

One major benefit of online dog training courses is their flexibility. You can learn at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. These courses typically include video demonstrations, written materials, and community forums where you can interact with other dog owners dealing with similar challenges.

Our 2 favorite courses that address dogs jumping on people are:

1. SpiritDog’s Focus Course (best on a budget)

The “Focus in Public – Out and About” course by SpiritDog Training, led by expert trainer Steffi Trott, is designed to help dog owners improve their pets’ behavior in public. The course includes 21 lessons covering topics such as achieving full dog engagement, training perfect heels, teaching dogs to settle on a mat anywhere, and playing fun games in public places. The course has lifetime access and a 60-day money-back guarantee.


2. K9 Training Institute’s “Dog Masterclass” (best overall)

More than just a course that teaches your dog not to jump, this more comprehensive training class tackles any behavior problem you might face with your dog.

In summary, teaching your Weimaraner not to jump on people requires patience, consistency, and an emphasis on positive reinforcement. Remember that each dog learns at their own pace, so celebrate each small victory along the way. Consistently reinforcing the behaviors you want to see and leveraging resources like online training courses can make this process smoother. With your dedicated effort, your Weimaraner will soon learn that calm and respectful greetings are the best way to interact with people, making them an even more enjoyable companion.

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