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7 Dog Breeds From Belgium

Written by: Scott H
Scott Haiduc is the Director of Publishing for iHeartDogs, iHeartCats and The Hero Company. When not working, Scott spends his time on the farm, taking care of his animals and crops.Read more
| Published on June 1, 2015

While most people probably think of waffles, beer and chocolate when they think of Belgium, dog fanciers often think of a variety of unique dog breeds. Whether they have a more French or German influence depends on their location and use. Needless to say, all the Belgian breeds certainly make a great line up!

Belgian Shepherd Dogs – From Left to Right

The Belgian Shepherd dogs, going by their original standard, come in 4 different varieties. These varieties could all happen within the same litter and they were classified by breed solely by the type and color coat they possessed.

Left to Right: Belgian Malinois, Laekenois, Tervuren, Groenendael.

#1 – Belgian Malinois

The Malinois is the workhorse and short-coated version of the Belgian Shepherd. While they originated, like the others, as a herding dog, they are the most commonly used dog in police and military operations in countries all over the world.

#2 – Belgian Laekenois

The Laekenois is the rarest of the Belgian Shepherds and has a shorter, curlier coat. The breed was used as a sheep herding dog as well as to guard linen that was left in the fields to dry.

#3 – Belgian Tervuren

The Tervuren is the long-coated version of the Belgian Shepherd so long as it comes in any standard color other than black, as the black dog would be considered a Groenendael. They make excellent performance dogs and are found widely used in competition obedience, herding and agility.

#4 – Belgian Groenendael

The Groenendael is the long-coated, black version of the Belgian Shepherds. They have been used as herding dogs as well as protection dogs.

#5 – Bouvier des Flandres


The Bouvier originated as a cattle droving and herding dog in Flandres and its French name literally means “Cow Herder of Flanders.” They have more recently been used as protection dogs and carting dogs. 

#6 – Brussels Griffon


The Brussels Griffon was used to eliminate rodents and other vermin from stables. They have a terrier origin but were crossed with Pugs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels to give their more current breed type. 

#7 – Schipperke


The Schipperke is a Belgian spitz-type dog that was used for sheep herding. They were first recognized as a formal breed back in the 1880s, with their standard first being written in 1889. They are active dogs that excel in various dog sports and also make excellent ratters. 

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