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7 Facts About Border Collies You Probably Didn’t Know

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| May 17, 2023

Known for their incredible intelligence and herding abilities, Border Collies have become a popular breed amongst dog enthusiasts worldwide. However, there are many lesser-known facts about this breed that may surprise you. Here are seven intriguing facts about Border Collies.

  1. They Get Their Name from Their Region of Origin

The Border Collie originated in the border region between England and Scotland, hence their name. These dogs were bred for their herding abilities, specifically for their intelligence and energy, which made them ideal for working on the hilly terrain of the area.

  1. They Can Recognize Hundreds of Words

Border Collies are considered one of the smartest dog breeds. An example of this intelligence is Chaser, a Border Collie who was able to recognize and retrieve over 1,000 different items by name. This understanding extended beyond simple object recognition — Chaser also demonstrated comprehension of basic prepositions and could perform actions with the objects on command.

  1. Their Eye Contact Is a Herding Technique

Border Collies are known for their intense stare, which they use to control sheep while herding. This focused gaze, known as “the eye,” is a breed-specific trait that differentiates Border Collies from other herding breeds, which may use physical techniques to herd livestock.

  1. They Were Not Officially Recognized by the AKC Until the 90s

Despite their long history, the Border Collie was not officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) until 1995. This late recognition was largely due to concerns from Border Collie enthusiasts who worried that the emphasis on appearance for show standards would detract from the breed’s working capabilities.

  1. Their Lifespan Is Longer than Most Breeds

Border Collies have a surprisingly long lifespan compared to other breeds of a similar size. On average, a Border Collie can live between 12 to 15 years, with many dogs remaining active and agile well into their senior years.

  1. They Come in a Variety of Colors

While black and white is the most recognized color scheme for Border Collies, they actually come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. You can find Border Collies in black, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, sable, gold, and even merle, each with optional tan and white markings.

  1. The Breed Includes Two Types: Working and Show

Over the years, Border Collies have developed into two types: working and show. Working Border Collies are bred for their herding skills and intelligence, while show Border Collies are bred to conform to the breed standards of canine registries. The two types can differ significantly in appearance and temperament, but both maintain the breed’s trademark energy and intelligence.

These fascinating facts about Border Collies shed new light on their origins, capabilities, and characteristics. From their regional name and herding gaze, to their remarkable intelligence, late AKC recognition, long lifespan, variety of colors, and differing types, Border Collies are a breed rich in intriguing aspects. Their blend of intelligence, agility, and versatility has made them cherished working dogs and companions.

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