We can learn a lot from our dogs. Every day, they live life like it’s an adventure. Every time they go out the door, it’s like a vacation to them! Once in a while, we should enjoy life like dogs do! We should learn to see our surroundings like they do. Every little thing is a curious wonder to them. Humans have somehow taken those things for granted.
This ad by Coca Cola shows us just that. The ad features a cartoon animation of a man and his dog going out for a walk. While the man gloomily walks his dog, the dog sees a lot of beautiful and amazing things around him. All the man needs to enjoy life is to see it through the eyes of his dog! A change in perspective can make all the difference in this world; then we can see life as something curious, happy, and beautiful! Check out the video below!
Wasn’t that cute? I think this is one of the best Coca Cola commercials I have ever seen!
So go out, and take time to appreciate the things around you! Seize the moment and enjoy life like dogs do!