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Police Save Puppy Dumped In Trash Can, Find The Rest Of The Family Nearby

In Tampa Florida, police officers are looking for the person who threw a days-old puppy in the dumpster.

It all began when a concerned citizen called 911 when she heard crying inside a trash can and discovered the runt of a litter of four puppies discarded and thrown away like garbage. The puppy was so small and when the she found it, the poor thing was inside a tied plastic bag. Luckily, the authorities acted quickly, or the puppy would’ve died in the midday heat. They also  found the mother dog and her three other puppies underneath a nearby shed.

Watch the video below for the full story!

Thankfully, the rescuers got there in time to save the poor pup. The mother dog and her puppies are now under the care of Hillsborough County Animal Control.

Whoever is responsible of throwing the puppy away, shame on you! I hope the authorities will catch you.

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