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Puppy Rescued After Being Hit By Train Fights For Life As Doctors Try A Revolutionary New Procedure

| September 21, 2015

This is a tale of tragic loss and the ensuing struggle of one little puppy that refused to give up. One stormy morning in West Palm Beach, Florida, a mother and two pups were scrambling to find shelter from a wild tropical storm. As lightning crashed down around them, the mother’s instinct to protect her pups took over. She frantically pawed at the dirt at the base of a fence in an attempt to find safety. She was able to clear just enough earth so that she and her little ones could escape. As thunder rolled overhead, they made a quick dash through an open area. Sadly, the roar of an oncoming freight train was muffled by the sounds of the storm. As momma approached the tracks with her pups, the train barreled through.

As the storm subsided, the only one remaining was one of the little pups, Special, who was badly injured and in need of immediate medical attention. His muzzle had been traumatically injured by the crushing force of the speeding train. Alone and clinging to life, Special laid on the tracks hoping for a miracle. And that’s what he was about to get.

A young boy was riding to school when he came upon the lifeless pup. He knew he needed to act fast if he was to save Special. The young dog lover scooped up Special and took him to the Jupiter Veterinary Surgical Center. There, he was stabilized and treated for facial trauma. However, with most of his jaw missing from the accident, Special would need many costly surgeries to ever regain any quality of life. Learning about what had happened, Big Dog Ranch Rescue came to the aid of Special and began working with the surgical center to save him.


Thanks to their support, Special is now scheduled to have a completed jaw replacement, as well as multiple other procedures, so that he can live a long, healthy life. Doctors anticipate a full recovery, and once Special is cleared, he’ll be in need of a new home. Share this story so that someone “special” might be inspired to contact Big Dog Ranch Rescue and give Special the loving home that he deserves.


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