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Smile! This Dog Got A Hold of Dentures and The Results Are Hilarious

| June 6, 2019

Say hello to Maggie. She is a ridiculously cute Shihtzu/Poodle/Chihuahua mix. Maggie lives in Long Island, New York. Her hobbies include playing with her family and smelling blooming flowers in the spring. And when her mom and grandpa aren’t looking, Maggie can get into a bit of harmless mischief.

Meet Maggie


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Maggie lives with her mom, Eunice, and her extended family. When Eunice is at work, her father takes care of the sweet pup. As you can see, Eunice loves Maggie and Maggie loves Eunice.


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My, What Big Teeth You Have

One day while Eunice was at work, Maggie was spending time with her grandpa. When he decided to take a snooze, Maggie had a brilliant idea.

Eucine recounted the story on her Twitter account. She said when Grandpa laid down for a nap, he took out his dentures because his gums were bothering him. Maggie did not waste any time. She went straight for the teeth and Grandpa found her looking like this.



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We can’t help but laugh out loud. Eunice told Buzzfeed:

“My dad decided to take an afternoon nap and rather than put his dentures in the bathroom, he left them on a napkin on the end of the couch. While he was sleeping, Maggie must have jumped up and grabbed them. When he woke up, he found Maggie under the living room table wearing them.”

This girl is a riot! We are amazed she managed to get the teeth in her mouth perfectly. Smart and funny! Someone in Hollywood needs to give this dog a commercial or an endorsement deal.

Maggie wearing dentures
​Source: eUniFiEd Twitter​

This silly pooch is known for her antics. Eunice described Maggie to Buzzfeed as a little rebellious. Eunice’s dad said the story fits Maggie’s spunky personality.

We can’t get enough of these photos. They are hilarious. Thank you for the laugh, Maggie!

H/T Jesus Daily
Featured image c/o Magster Moo Moo Instagram

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