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Woman Wakes With No Memory Of Her Drunken Doggie Sleepover

By: Stephanie Maguire
Stephanie Maguire is a writer for She loves animals so much that she started her own pet-sitting business in 2017, and goes out of her way to point-out and pet every single dog she sees.Read more
| May 26, 2021

It would be fairly funny and perhaps even exciting for many of us pet parents to wake up with an unfamiliar dog in our bed. But not for Mia, who was a bit tipsy the night before and is actually quite nervous around most dogs.

It was a bit of a “ruff” morning for her when she woke up to find a large “wolf-like” dog lying next to her in her own bed with no memory of how or why he was there. 

Mia and the Husky
Image Credit: Mia Flynn / Facebook

But, fortunately for Mia and the lost dog, we live in the digital age. Despite drinking numerous glasses of wine, she recorded the previous evening’s events on her phone and was able to piece her night together. 

“I went to my friend’s to help her do a bit of DIY and painting…then we decided that three bottles of wine was a good idea,” says Mia.

It was on her walk home that she first encountered the handsome Husky. He was alone, and seemed to be following her as she walked down the sidewalk. Mia recorded herself speaking to the camera, declaring that there was a “full-on wolf” following her. The video shows him continuing to walk alongside her as she heads to her home. 

Husky in bed
Image Credit: Screenshot from Video

Not only did she not remember meeting, or being escorted home by the chivalrous canine, but she also had no memory of coming home in the middle of the night and having a conversation with her mother. 

“My mum was fuming. She was in bed when I apparently came in at 2:30 am and told her I’ve got a new mate,” Mia confessed.

Amusing footage from the morning shows Mia speaking to the camera about how she was “petrified to move in her own bed.” She then pans over to the Husky lazily lounging alongside her. Mia may have been uncomfortable, but the Husky sure seemed calm and content.

“I was a little shocked when I woke up hungover, to a dog staring at me. I was petrified he was going to attack me. I find dogs cute but they’re also a bit scary. Especially a bloody big one like that,” says Mia.

Once Mia checked her phone and was able to piece her night together, she called the phone number listed on his tag. But, there was no answer. So she made a post on several social media sites asking for help in locating the lost dog’s owner. 

Mia's post on social media
Image Credit: Mia Flynn / Facebook

“The owner said all the tears over losing him were worth it, when she added me on Snapchat to see my story. She found it hilarious. She was grateful he had a sleepover at my house. I’m glad he’s home safe and sound.”

It turns out that he lived a street over, and his mother was absolutely losing her mind over his absence. Through the power of social media, she was able to reconnect the pup with his mom. On her walk home and in the morning, Mia took to calling the Husky “Toby,” but it turns out that his name is actually “Gunner.” Their impromptu slumber party didn’t seem to sway her plans on pet parenting, but she was very glad that the pup was able to be reunited with his mother. 

“Of all the things I’ve come home with on a night out,” mused Mia.

Featured Image: Mia Flynn / Facebook

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