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Cute Dog ‘Shamelessly’ Tries To Smile His Way Out After He’s Caught Stealing Food

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| April 29, 2022

Miller is a charming rescue dog that Leah Delerme could not live without. Miller is his mother’s favorite, and he knows it. This is why he is such a spoiled, mischievous boy who feels he can never get into any trouble with his mother!



Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video




In this amusing clip uploaded by Leah, we see Miller after he was caught stealing a substantial portion of food from the kitchen counter. When Leah confronts Miller about his thieving behavior, he pouts and glares away with a smirk on his face. He thinks that if he pretends to be oblivious, she will let it go.




Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video




Leah, on the other hand, is not happy about Miller’s bad eating habits and wants him to apologize. She continues fussing over his meals and demanding that he at least say a genuine “sorry.” When Miller sees that Leah will not cease nagging him until he apologizes, he deploys his greatest weapon against her – his charming grin!



Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video



Miller looks adorably goofy as he tries to smile his way out of trouble. He twists and turns to show his best grin to Leah while persuading her to calm down already. We’re sure Leah’s temper melted away with Miller’s disarming smile. What an adorable little thief.

Be sure to watch this hilarious video to the end to see Miller’s funny grin!


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