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German Shepherd Mama Hatches A ‘Clever Game’ To Tire Out Her Hyperactive Puppies

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| May 27, 2022

The intelligence and vivacious energy of German Shepherds have made them very popular among dog lovers. The pups of this breed, on the other hand, are known to be hyperactive and extremely playful, with some referring to them as “rowdy.” These sweeties are always on the go and don’t mind rough play at all!



Image/Story Credit Source: The German Shepherd Dog Community/Facebook



In this video below, we see a mother dog attempting to discipline her growing pups. The pups have a wide area at their disposal, and they dash about enthusiastically without regard for their safety.


That’s when the mother dog comes up with a strategy to get her puppies under control. The mother dog gathers up all of her youngsters and invites them to play a game of chase with her. Soon, we see the tiny pups following behind their mama across the field in an ecstatic manner. Unfortunately, the mama dog takes such long strides that the puppies must put out more effort to keep up!



Image/Story Credit Source: The German Shepherd Dog Community/Facebook



The puppy game of hide-and-chase not only exhausted the pups to the bones, but it also taught them how to play together in a herd. The weary puppies followed their mother home later to get some rest because they were barely able to play mischievous. This mama dog has impressive parenting skills!


You’re going to LOVE them in the video below. Be sure to watch all the way until the end, enjoy!


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