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Skeletal Pit Bull Doubles His Body Weight With ‘Oodles Of Love’

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| November 2, 2023

A dog was found that was so skinny and sad-looking that he appeared to be on the brink of death. But even in the shape he was in, he was happy and excited. This dog was found lying on the sidewalk, looking like a skeleton. The person who discovered him called for help, not knowing if the dog was dead or alive.

Nobody knows how this dog got there or how he managed to survive.


The dog, later named Lawrence, was in desperate need of medical attention and was taken to a nearby animal hospital. There, the doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to save his life. The dog’s guardian angel, who would later become his foster mom, saw a picture of Lawrence and knew she had to help him. She took him home and began the long process of nursing him back to health.

For months, Lawrence’s foster mom gave him injections and pills and fed him every three hours. Lawrence was eager to receive his treatments, eat, and even play. As he regained his strength, he began to socialize with other dogs and humans. Slowly but surely, the dog started to gain weight, and his once-dull eyes began to shine brightly.


What made this dog’s recovery even more remarkable was the fact that he was someone’s pet before he was found on the sidewalk. He was 100% housebroken, knew what a bed and a couch were, and even knew how to sit on command. Lawrence was not only a survivor but also a well-mannered and loving companion.

As time went on, Lawrence’s foster mom became pregnant, and the dog’s demeanor towards her changed. He became fiercely protective of her, making sure that no one would come near her to cause her harm. It was clear that if Lawrence was going to thrive and find a forever home, he needed to step away from his foster mom and find a new family who could love and care for him.


Lawrence continued to amaze everyone with his resilience and spirit. He learned how to do a front flip on the grass and became an expert at performing ‘zoomies.’ When it was time to relax, he would snuggle up on the couch, rest his head on his foster mom’s shoulder, and watch Netflix for hours.

Lawrence’s journey from the brink of death to becoming the best dog ever is an inspiring story that shows the power of love, determination, and the will to live. With the help of his foster mom, this dog defied the odds and became a shining example of what can happen when you never give up.

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