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How Much Does a Border Collie Bark?

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| November 16, 2023

Border Collies, renowned for their intelligence and herding abilities, often raise questions regarding their barking habits. In this comprehensive article, we’ll explore the barking behavior of Border Collies, understanding why they bark, how it compares with other breeds, and effective strategies to manage it.

1. Barking Characteristics of Border Collies

Border Collies are communicative dogs, and their barking can be attributed to various reasons. They are known to bark more than some breeds, often using their voice as a tool for herding and expressing themselves. Their barking habits are deeply ingrained in their working heritage, making it an important aspect of their behavior to understand and manage.

2. Understanding Why Border Collies Bark

Border Collies may bark for several reasons including herding instincts, alerting to strangers, responding to environmental stimuli, or when they are bored or seeking attention. Their high energy levels and sensitivity to movement and sounds can also trigger barking. Deciphering these reasons is key to effectively managing their vocal behavior.

3. Border Collie Barking Compared to Other Dog Breeds

When compared to other dog breeds, Border Collies tend to be more vocal. Their barking is often purposeful and linked to their herding instincts and high energy levels. They are more likely to bark as a form of communication or response to stimuli, unlike breeds that bark for attention or due to anxiety.

4. Training Strategies to Manage Border Collie Barking

Effective training is crucial in controlling a Border Collie’s barking. Techniques such as positive reinforcement, consistent commands, and redirection can be highly effective. Training them to understand commands like ‘quiet’ or ‘enough’ in a positive and consistent manner is key.

5. The Importance of Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Physical and mental stimulation plays a significant role in managing a Border Collie’s barking. These highly energetic dogs need ample exercise and mental challenges to prevent barking due to boredom or pent-up energy. Activities like agility training, fetch games, and puzzle toys are beneficial.

6. Health and Emotional Factors Behind Barking

Sometimes, a Border Collie’s excessive barking can indicate underlying health or emotional issues. Conditions such as anxiety, fear, discomfort, or even hearing loss can lead to increased vocalization. It’s advisable to consult a veterinarian if there’s a sudden or unexplained increase in barking.

7. Age-Related Barking in Border Collies

The age of a Border Collie can influence its barking habits. Younger dogs and puppies are generally more vocal as they learn to communicate and explore their environment. Older dogs may bark less, although they can become more vocal due to age-related conditions or discomfort.

8. Creating a Calming Environment for Border Collies

Establishing a calm and secure environment can help reduce excessive barking in Border Collies. Providing them with a routine, and a comfortable space, and using calming aids during stressful times can be effective. Ensuring they feel safe and secure in their environment can significantly decrease unnecessary barking.

9. Seeking Expert Advice for Barking Challenges

If excessive barking continues despite efforts at training and environmental adjustments, seeking advice from a professional dog behaviorist or trainer is recommended. They can offer specialized strategies and insights to address the specific reasons behind a Border Collie’s excessive barking.


Border Collies, known for their intelligence and high energy, can be more prone to barking than some other breeds. With appropriate training, adequate exercise, and the right environment, their barking can be effectively managed. By understanding their barking triggers and implementing suitable strategies, owners can enjoy a harmonious relationship with these energetic and intelligent dogs.


Frequently Asked Questions About Border Collies and Their Barking Habits

1. Do Border Collies bark more than other dog breeds?

Border Collies are known to bark more than some other dog breeds. This behavior is often linked to their herding instincts and high energy levels. They tend to use barking as a way of communication, especially when they are not provided with enough mental and physical stimulation.

2. Why do Border Collies bark so much?

Border Collies bark for various reasons, including herding instincts, alerting strangers or unusual situations, excitement, boredom, or seeking attention. Their intelligence and energy levels contribute to their need for constant engagement, and when these needs are not met, they may resort to barking.

3. Can I train my Border Collie to bark less?

Yes, you can train your Border Collie to bark less. Effective training involves consistent, positive reinforcement techniques and teaching commands like ‘quiet’. Regular mental and physical exercise also helps in reducing excessive barking.

4. What are effective ways to manage barking in Border Collies?

Effective ways to manage barking in Border Collies include regular exercise, mental stimulation, obedience training, and socialization. Engaging them in activities like agility, herding, or interactive play can also help. Training them to understand and respond to commands like ‘quiet’ is essential.

5. Is barking a sign of anxiety in Border Collies?

Barking can sometimes be a sign of anxiety in Border Collies, especially if it’s excessive or occurs in specific situations like separation from owners. Identifying the cause of anxiety and addressing it through training, environmental changes, or consulting a vet is crucial.

6. How does the environment influence a Border Collie’s barking?

The environment plays a significant role in a Border Collie’s barking habits. A stimulating environment with various sounds, sights, and activities can trigger more barking due to their herding instincts. Conversely, a calm and structured environment may reduce unnecessary barking.

7. Can excessive barking in Border Collies indicate a health problem?

Excessive barking in Border Collies can indicate a health problem, particularly if there’s a sudden change in their barking pattern. Conditions like pain, hearing loss, or cognitive dysfunction could lead to increased barking. It’s advisable to consult a veterinarian for a health check.

8. How does age affect barking in Border Collies?

Age can affect barking in Border Collies. Younger dogs may bark more as they are learning and reacting to their environment. Older dogs might bark less, though some may increase barking due to age-related conditions or confusion.

9. Should I use a bark collar on my Border Collie?

Using a bark collar on a Border Collie is generally not recommended, as it may cause stress or anxiety and doesn’t address the underlying cause of barking. Positive training methods and ensuring they have enough mental and physical stimulation are more effective and humane approaches.

10. Are there specific types of training to reduce barking in Border Collies?

Specific types of training to reduce barking in Border Collies include obedience training, noise desensitization, and impulse control exercises. Teaching them commands like ‘quiet’ or ‘stop’ in a positive and consistent manner is effective. Providing adequate exercise and mental challenges is also crucial.

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