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Guy Isolated After Breakup Gets Dog Who Repairs More Than Just His Heart

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| January 19, 2024

When Matt found himself feeling isolated after a breakup, he decided it was time to get a dog – a decision that would ultimately change his life for the better. Little did he know, his new furry friend Kaido would not only fill his days with joy but also develop a unique and adorable obsession with sirens. From the moment Kaido entered Matt’s life, he became the highlight of his days. The excitement and love Kaido showed every time Matt returned home from work were infectious. Wanting to spend even more time with his newfound companion, Matt came up with the perfect idea: bike rides.


With a specially designed bag for Kaido to sit in, Matt took his canine friend on his first-ever bike ride. Kaido’s head darted from side to side, taking in the sights and sounds of the world around him. His big, joyful smile was evidence that he absolutely adored the experience. In fact, Kaido became so excited about bike rides that he would jump for joy at the sight of the bag and even push on Matt’s head to get a better view of their surroundings.


During their adventures, Matt discovered something remarkable about Kaido: his love for sirens. Despite not being a particularly vocal dog, Kaido would howl in response to the sound of sirens. This unexpected quirk only made Matt love his furry friend more, and he decided to plan a special surprise for Kaido.

Living close to a fire station, Matt arranged for Kaido to meet the local firefighters. He even got the chance to howl along with the fire truck siren. Kaido’s delight in the experience was evident, and the firefighters were more than happy to indulge his obsession.


Through their shared love of bike rides and sirens, Kaido and Matt formed an unbreakable bond. Kaido filled Matt’s life with the comfort he needed while going through a time. While Kaido’s obsession with sirens might be a loud one, it’s just one of the many ways he brings a smile to Matt’s face every day.

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