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Cute Alert! Mom Manatee Cuddles Her Baby

By: Clarisse Q
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| May 15, 2024

The bond between a mother and her child is very strong and can be seen in all animals, including manatees. This connection is filled with love and care, much like how humans treat their young ones. Check this story out.

A Special Kayak Tour 

Image Source Credit via Instagram

Get Up and Go Kayaking offers tours in Silver Springs, Florida, where people can ride in clear kayaks and see underwater life up close. During one of these tours, a group of kayakers saw something very special—a mother manatee and her baby cuddling in the water.

Josh, a tour guide, recorded a video of the mother manatee and her baby hugging and gently touching each other. This video was shared on Instagram and quickly became very popular, with over 600,000 people liking it. People watching the video felt a strong emotional connection, commenting on how it showed the manatees’ feelings.

Watching Wildlife with Respect

Image Source Credit via Instagram

The tour company saw the mother and baby manatee again after the video became popular. They reminded everyone how important it is to watch animals like manatees from a distance. This gives the baby manatee space to come up for air and the mother manatee space to feed and take care of her baby properly.

The Silver River, where the kayakers saw the manatees, is a place where manatees live all year. However, from November to March, many manatees come here for the winter, making it an ideal time to see them.

Seeing manatees is always exciting because they are peaceful and beautiful animals. Watching a mother manatee hug her baby makes the experience even more special and reminds us of the simple, pure love that exists in nature.

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