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Puppy Found In Wet Cardboard Box Receives Dog House Of His Dreams

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| May 20, 2024

Staff from Fresno Humane Animal Services were patrolling the area to locate animals in need. They had heard about a small puppy on a homeowner’s large property and went to investigate. They saw a cardboard box and jokingly said, “Wouldn’t it be funny if there was a dog inside?” And that’s exactly how little Alejandro, a sweet, homeless puppy, was found. The little guy was in rough shape, taking shelter from the rain and other elements in the cardboard box. He was clearly suffering from skin issues, health problems, and malnourishment.


It’s always a sad sight to see a dog in such a terrible condition, but this particular pup seemed to be in shock, unable to believe that someone was finally there to help him. The volunteers were incredibly gentle as they removed Alejandro from the box, reassuring him and making him feel safe. They wrapped him in blankets and gave him food, which he quickly scarfed down, revealing just how hungry he had been. The next step was to transport him to their shelter, where he would receive vaccinations and medication and eventually find a new temporary home at the Valley Animal Center.


Upon arrival at the rescue center, Alejandro was extremely timid and afraid of his new surroundings. However, after just a week of receiving proper care and medication for his skin issues, the little dog’s personality began to shine through. He started wagging his tail, perking up when people entered the room, and displaying a fun, spunky attitude that was infectious.


The story of Alejandro’s rescue spread, and the team at The Dodo, an animal-focused media company, decided to surprise him with a special gift. They sent him a customizable doghouse to replace the cardboard box he had once called home. At first, Alejandro was unsure of the new house, but it wasn’t long before he realized it was a safe space meant just for him. This gesture of kindness and love seemed to truly touch the little dog’s heart.


As for Alejandro’s future, the volunteers at Valley Animal Center believe that he doesn’t need any specific requirements in a forever home, as long as it’s a happy, loving environment. His playful personality and resilient spirit will undoubtedly bring joy to any family that is lucky enough to adopt him.

Alejandro’s story serves as a reminder of the power of compassion and the importance of rescuing animals in need. The volunteers at Fresno Humane Animal Services and Valley Animal Center, along with the kind people at The Dodo, have given this once-homeless pup a chance at a better life. And in return, Alejandro has shown that even in the darkest of times, there’s always hope for a brighter future.

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