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Deaf Dog Wakes Up to a ‘New Life’ After 11-Years on the Streets

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| July 25, 2024

Solovino, a deaf dog who endured the harsh realities of street life for an astonishing 11 years, experienced a heartwarming transformation after serendipitously choosing the right porch for a nap. His journey from a life of constant struggle and uncertainty to one filled with love and security is a remarkable tale of resilience and compassion. This incredible story highlights the power of kindness and the profound impact it can have on a life, as Solovino went from being a lonely street dog to finding a forever home where he is cherished and cared for.

Image Credit: Facebook

One fateful day, Solovino, tired and worn from years of street life, found a cozy porch to rest on. This seemingly small decision would turn out to be life-changing. As he curled up and drifted off to sleep, he had no idea that his fortunes were about to take a dramatic turn.

The homeowner, a compassionate woman, stepped outside and found Solovino sleeping peacefully on her porch. Instead of shooing him away, she felt an overwhelming sense of empathy for the weary dog. She decided to let him stay, offering him the first taste of stability he had likely known in years. She named him Solovino, which means “he came alone” in Spanish, reflecting his solitary arrival.

After a few days of providing Solovino with food and a safe place to rest, the woman realized that he needed more than she could offer. She reached out to Rocket Dog Rescue, a dedicated organization in San Francisco that specializes in rescuing dogs from situations where they might otherwise face euthanasia. Rocket Dog Rescue quickly responded, recognizing the urgency of Solovino’s situation.

A team from the organization flew down to retrieve Solovino and bring him back to San Francisco. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in Solovino’s life, filled with hope and the promise of a brighter future.

Once in the care of Rocket Dog Rescue, Solovino began his journey toward finding a forever home. However, the path was not easy. Despite his gentle demeanor, Solovino was skittish and wary of people, making it challenging to find the right match. Over the next year and a half, he moved between several foster homes, each time hoping it would be his last transition.

Meanwhile, Carol Messina, a passionate “Star Wars” fan, was browsing the Rocket Dog Rescue website when she stumbled upon Solovino’s picture. Instantly, she felt a deep connection. “As soon as I saw his face on their site, I wanted to love him,” Messina recalled. The name Solovino struck a chord with her as well. “Being a HUGE ‘Star Wars’ fan, I immediately thought, ‘Well, his name is Solo!’”

Image Credit: Facebook

To her delight, she discovered that Solovino’s foster dad had been calling him Solo all along. For Messina, this was a sign that they were meant to be together. She arranged to meet Solovino, and when she saw how sad and withdrawn he was, she knew she had to give him a loving home.

Messina adopted Solovino, affectionately renaming him Solo. At first, Solo was timid and cautious, understandably hesitant after years of neglect and uncertainty. Messina soon realized that Solo’s nervousness stemmed from his partial deafness. He couldn’t hear people approaching, which made him feel vulnerable and scared.

Additionally, Solo suffered from significant dental issues, which caused him constant pain. These factors contributed to his withdrawn behavior. Determined to help Solo, Messina took him to the vet to address his dental problems. Once his teeth were fixed, Solo’s transformation was remarkable.

With his pain alleviated, Solo began to show his true personality. He became more outgoing and cheerful, embracing his new life with enthusiasm. To help him navigate his environment, Messina purchased a vest indicating that Solo was deaf. This prevented well-meaning strangers from startling him with sudden attempts to pet him.

Messina also developed a system to ensure Solo felt safe at home. She would flick the lights on and off when entering a room, signaling her presence without surprising him. These small adjustments made a world of difference in Solo’s comfort and confidence.

The transformation in Solo did not go unnoticed. “The people in our neighborhood always remark how he doesn’t even seem like the same dog anymore,” Messina shared. “He didn’t smile or even open his mouth to pant for months, and now he’s all smiles, rolls around, and runs across the lawn multiple times a day.”

Image Credit: Facebook
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

Solo, once a lonely and neglected street dog, now had a loving home where he could live out his golden years in peace and happiness. His journey from the streets to a caring home is a testament to the power of compassion and the incredible resilience of animals.

Solo’s story is a reminder of the profound impact that kindness and empathy can have on a life. From a dog who had nothing and no one, Solo found a family and a place where he is loved and cared for. We are overjoyed that this remarkable dog has finally found the happiness he deserves.

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