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Lady Captures Stray, Learns Her Puppies Are Unaccounted For

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| July 30, 2024

When Selina first saw a stray dog later named Wilma wandering the streets, she immediately noticed how underfed the dog was. Wilma was also missing patches of hair, likely due to a skin condition. Determined to help, Selina cautiously approached her. Wilma was easily frightened and distrusting of humans. When someone showed her kindness by offering food, she was taken aback. Selina gave her some Pringles, the only food she had at the moment, and the dog ate them eagerly. But she continued to run away from Selina, so she had to come back several times with the help of her boyfriend.


Wilma kept fleeing to the remote village areas where there were few people. Selina would throw food to entice her closer, gradually gaining the dog’s trust. Finally, Selina managed to slip a leash around Wilma’s neck and placed her in a small kennel. She and her boyfriend immediately took her to a veterinary clinic.

Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

At the clinic, a surprising discovery was made: Wilma had recently given birth to puppies. When asked about their whereabouts, Selina hadn’t seen them and quickly returned to search for them. The search was difficult, but Selina eventually found the puppies hiding under some ruins. She carefully placed them in a bag and hurried back to the vet on her scooter. The veterinary team began treating the puppies right away. After they were stable, the puppies needed time to recover and rest. Once it was safe, they were reunited with their mother.


Just as things were looking up, tragedy struck. One of the puppies unexpectedly passed away despite the veterinarians’ best efforts. It was a heartbreaking loss, but the focus had to remain on the surviving puppies. Wilma, happy to see her babies, nursed them immediately. With time and care, all three made remarkable recoveries.


Wilma’s hair grew back, and she became healthier than ever. Her puppies thrived at the clinic before the whole family was transferred to a dog hotel to await their new homes. Selina is committed to finding loving families for Wilma and her puppies, ensuring they receive the best possible care.

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