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Four Newly Born Pups Snuggled Beside Their Motionless Mom

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| August 13, 2024

While cleaning up trash under a bridge, a man unexpectedly became a local hero when he discovered something that would change his life forever. He found a tired mother dog lying under the bridge, shielding her newborn puppies with her frail body in an effort to keep them warm and safe. The compassionate man immediately contacted the local animal shelter, which quickly responded. Upon receiving the details, the shelter staff rushed to the scene and carefully gathered the little family.


The situation was dire—the puppies appeared to be in decent shape, but their mother was in critical condition. She lay motionless on the ground, her small, weakened body covered in wounds. The rescuers hurried the mother dog to the nearest veterinary clinic for an urgent examination while the nurses at the clinic bottle-fed the puppies.

Despite the vet’s best efforts, it was too late to save the mother. The loss deeply saddened everyone at the clinic, but they knew they had to focus on the well-being of her pups. Understanding that the puppies required constant care, one of the rescuers volunteered to foster them.


After gathering all the necessary supplies, the rescuer brought the puppies home and set up a cozy bed for them. The rescuer ensured the puppies were fed every two hours, making sure they received the nutrition needed to grow strong and healthy. Within just a few days, the puppies began to show signs of improvement. After ten days, their eyes started to open, and they began to explore their surroundings, crawling around the house and discovering every corner.


Thanks to the loving care they received, the four puppies started walking in no time, which meant they needed more substantial food! To help them transition, the rescuer decided to teach the puppies how to eat on their own.

Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

The rescuer placed a plate of food on the floor, arranged the puppies around it, and showed them how to eat. The little ones caught on quickly, figuring it out in no time. Now that they’re older, the puppies spend their days playing endlessly, inventing games and running around nonstop!


Watching these adorable pups grow up so quickly filled the rescuer’s heart with joy. We are confident that their mother is watching over her babies with pride and love.

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