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Dog Shows Up When Woman Comes Home And Asks For A Favor

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| September 18, 2024

Between work and taking care of our responsibilities at home, our days rarely allow us to focus on fun. But dogs have perspective. Yes, we understand that they don’t need to earn a paycheck, and their schedules are a bit more open than ours are, but still, dogs get it. They know that playtime is essential. It boosts happy hormones and is a great way to exercise. They certainly are onto something! The dog in this story values playtime so much that she wants to spread the joy to people she hasn’t met before. She is eager to share her love for play, just like she did in the adorable TikTok video posted by @sylable.


After returning from yoga to her rural home, a woman named Violet was surprised to find a new visitor waiting for her. As she opened her car door, a small furry head popped up and curiously peeked inside. Unsure of what the pup wanted, Violet asked a few questions, but the answer became clear when the dog dropped a ball at her feet, signaling it was time for some fun.


Violet quickly caught on to the playful pup’s intentions. She picked up the ball and gave it a toss, officially kicking off their impromptu game of fetch. The little dog eagerly chased after it, but the fun didn’t stop there. Each time Violet bent down to pick up the ball again, the clever dog would snatch it up first, teasing her with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. The internet couldn’t get enough of this playful moment, and the video quickly gained popularity, charming fellow dog lovers everywhere.


Naturally, the comments section was filled with fans encouraging Violet to adopt the sweet pup, captivated by her personality. Many viewers believed the dog had chosen Violet, and adoption seemed like a perfect next step. However, after doing a bit of research, Violet discovered that the dog may belong to her neighbors. Some other comments included: “She’s yours now lol” and “She came WITH ACCESSORIES”

She had seen the dog running around their property a few times, happily playing with their daughter. Though it seemed like the pup had a home, Violet wasn’t entirely sure. She promised to approach her neighbors and do a bit more investigating before making any decisions.

Two Brothers Filmed Themselves Abusing Dogs and Wildlife
Two Brothers Filmed Themselves Abusing Dogs and Wildlife

In a horrifying case that has come to light, two brothers filmed themselves as they committed unspeakable acts of cruelty against dogs and wildlife. The brothers have been jailed for their offenses. A lifetime ban on animal ownership for abusers is not just warranted – it's essential for the protection of all animals.

“I’m going to keep an eye out just to make sure she is theirs because if not…” Violet said in her video, hinting that she would be more than willing to adopt the playful pup if she wasn’t already claimed.

With her heart open to the possibility of bringing the dog into her family, Violet is waiting patiently to see how things unfold. Whether the pup stays with her neighbors or finds a new home with Violet, one thing is clear—this charming dog has already won over the hearts of many. Click below to experience the adorable encounter for yourself!

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@slyableHER EYESSSS♬ original sound – violet

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