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Diseased’ Puppy Chained for 10 Days Saved by Compassionate Rescuers

By: Clarisse Q
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| October 1, 2024

A 10-month-old puppy named Duke found himself in a heartbreaking situation when someone tied him up next to a broken-down trailer in a small Bulgarian village. He was completely baffled, not understanding why he was being treated that way. Unfortunately, a false rumor had spread, claiming that Duke was sick and should be avoided at all costs.

For ten agonizing days, Duke stayed curled up under the trailer without food, water, or affection. His days were filled with confusion and despair. Luckily, a woman in the village noticed Duke’s miserable state and sensed something wasn’t right. She decided to reach out to Rudozem Street Dog Rescue, an organization in Bulgaria that helps animals in distress.

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Tony Rowles, co-founder of the rescue group, wasted no time and drove straight to Duke’s location. What he saw shocked him. Duke was in terrible shape—covered in flies, surrounded by filth, and clearly terrified of humans.

“He was very scared,” Rowles shared with The Dodo. “There was a strong smell of ammonia. He couldn’t move from where he was. It was overwhelming.”

Despite his fear, Duke seemed to sense that Rowles was there to help, not harm him. In a touching moment, Duke cautiously approached Rowles and gently kissed his hand. It was a powerful and emotional moment for both the dog and his rescuer.

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Because the rescue shelter was already full, Rowles decided to take Duke home with him, where he would be surrounded by other dogs and cats. After undergoing medical tests, it became clear that the rumors about Duke being contagious were false. However, what they discovered about his condition was heartbreaking—Duke had two broken and bent feet, injuries that Rowles was horrified to learn were caused by human abuse.

“It was shocking when the vet said the damage to his feet was from trauma,” Rowles explained. “His feet were shattered, the ligaments were gone, and bones were just floating around inside his feet.”

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On top of that, Duke was severely undernourished, and the chain around his neck had injured his throat, leaving him with a painful cough. The poor pup had endured so much suffering. But with the help of multiple surgeries and a strict nutritional plan, Duke slowly started to recover. His playful and cheerful spirit began to shine through, and it was clear that Duke was destined to become a loyal and loving companion.

Rowles knew Duke was ready for a fresh start. “It reached a point where we realized, ‘He’s ready for adoption now,’” he thought.

Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

After posting pictures of Duke online, his sweet face captured the attention of Diana Romaine, who lived in England. Two years after Duke had been found, chained and abandoned under that trailer, he was finally getting the forever home he deserved. Diana was thrilled to welcome Duke into her life and shower him with the love and care he had been deprived of for so long.

What began as a tragic and painful chapter in Duke’s life transformed into a beautiful, heartwarming story of hope and second chances. He found the happy ending he so desperately needed.

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