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Pregnant Pittie Won’t Stop Hugging Her Rescuer After Heartwarming Rescue

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| October 25, 2024

When Carly and Jackie first came across Poppy, they could never have anticipated just how much this gentle, pregnant pit bull would transform their lives. It was a typical day in Mexico when they noticed her lying on the sidewalk, alone and vulnerable. Poppy was visibly pregnant, and her swollen belly was an indication that she was close to giving birth. She looked frightened and unsure, clearly having faced many challenges as a stray. Little did Carly and Jackie know, this chance encounter would lead to a heartwarming and life-changing rescue story.

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Poppy’s swollen belly was a sign that she was expecting puppies very soon, but her body language told another story. She appeared scared and unsure, her eyes reflecting the countless challenges she must have faced as a stray. Despite her hesitation, Carly felt an overwhelming urge to help this expectant mother. As she approached Poppy, the nervous dog recoiled slightly, but instead of running away, she did something unexpected. Poppy gently leaned into Carly, as if she instinctively knew she was finally safe.

This small but profound gesture created an instant bond between Carly and Poppy. Carly knelt down beside the pittie, whispering soothing words and petting her softly, all while reassuring her that everything would be okay. Together with Jackie, they quickly decided to take Poppy off the streets and to a vet, knowing that her condition required immediate attention. As they drove toward the nearest veterinary clinic, Poppy sat calmly in the car, already seeming to understand that she was in the hands of people who genuinely cared about her well-being.

Upon arrival at the vet, Poppy received a thorough medical examination. The vet confirmed that she was indeed close to giving birth and recommended that she stay at the clinic for two days to ensure her health and that of her unborn puppies. During those two days, Poppy received much-needed care — a full checkup, treatment for fleas, and close monitoring. But even though she was being cared for, it was clear that she missed her rescuers, Carly and Jackie.

Every day, Carly and Jackie made it a point to visit Poppy at the clinic, offering her comfort and companionship. Each time they walked through the door, Poppy’s eyes lit up, and she would wag her tail excitedly. Their visits became the highlight of her day, offering the reassurance she needed as she prepared to bring her puppies into the world. The bond between the three grew even stronger during these moments, solidifying their connection.

Finally, after two days, the vet gave Poppy the green light to go home with her rescuers. The moment she was released from the clinic, Poppy seemed to overflow with happiness. As Carly and Jackie drove home, something truly heart-melting happened. Poppy, full of gratitude and affection, wrapped her paws around Jackie, who was driving and refused to let go. She held on tightly, her face full of joy and relief, as if she was thanking them for saving her life.

For the entire car ride, Poppy hugged Jackie, her eyes gleaming with love. It was as if she couldn’t express her appreciation enough, and her smile was impossible to miss. Carly, sitting in the passenger seat, couldn’t help but snap a few photos of the adorable moment. Watching Poppy embrace Jackie so tightly and happily was enough to bring tears to their eyes — a gesture that spoke volumes about the trust she now had in them.

When they finally arrived home, Poppy immediately made herself comfortable. In no time, she claimed her favorite spot — the couch. Jackie recounted the moment, telling The Dodo, “She just walked right in, jumped onto the couch, and laid down like she had lived there forever. She’s such a relaxed dog. She doesn’t need much — just a cozy spot to sleep.” This calm demeanor defined Poppy’s personality from the very beginning. She wasn’t high-energy or overly demanding; instead, she enjoyed the simple pleasures of resting and feeling safe.

Image Credit: Facebook

However, the peaceful days didn’t last long. Just a short time after settling in, Poppy went into labor. Jackie, who had no experience in delivering puppies, was nervous, but Carly had assisted with births before and helped guide the process. Still, the sheer number of puppies that arrived surprised them both. From 11 p.m. until 4 a.m., Poppy gave birth to a whopping nine puppies!

“They just kept coming!” Jackie laughed, recalling the long night.

According to Dog Leash Pro, a typical pit bull litter can range between five to ten puppies, but some can have as many as fourteen. Poppy’s nine-puppy litter fell well within the normal range, but for first-time puppy midwives like Carly and Jackie, it was an overwhelming yet joyous experience.

Poppy, though exhausted, immediately stepped into her role as a doting mother. She lavished her puppies with affection, cuddling and nurturing them with the same love she had shown her rescuers. Watching Poppy care for her babies melted Carly and Jackie’s hearts, and they couldn’t help but fall in love with the entire pit bull family. The puppies, small and wiggly, were a constant source of joy in their home.

“They’ve made my days so much happier,” Jackie shared, beaming with pride as she looked at the little furballs crawling around.

But as much as Carly and Jackie adored the puppies, they knew that finding loving forever homes for them would be essential. Over the next several weeks, they poured their energy into ensuring that each of Poppy’s nine puppies found the perfect family. And one by one, the puppies went to their new homes, where they would be loved and cherished just as Poppy had been.

However, there was no question about where Poppy would end up. From the moment Carly and Jackie rescued her off that sidewalk in Mexico, they knew that she was meant to stay with them. Poppy had already claimed her spot in their hearts and their home, and there was no way they could let her go.

“I truly believe you get the dog you need at the time you need them,” Jackie said. “Poppy is so sweet. She’s honestly the best dog ever.”

Poppy’s story didn’t just touch the hearts of Carly and Jackie — it resonated with people all over the world. When The Dodo picked up the story, it quickly went viral, racking up over 18 million views. People were captivated by Poppy’s transformation, her love for her rescuers, and her heartwarming journey from being a pregnant stray to a cherished family member.

Commenters poured in their support and admiration. “Some pitties are just born with hearts full of love, and it looks like this momma pittie is one of them!” one person wrote.

Another commented, “If only her scars could tell their stories. She has been through so much, and I’m so glad she was rescued and found a loving home. Her puppies were born in a safe place, and that’s a beautiful thing.”

Image Credit: Facebook
Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.
Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.

Puppy mills are mass breeding operations that run solely to make a profit. Support a nationwide ban on selling puppy mill animals at pet stores.


Another viewer expressed their happiness for Poppy’s rescue, writing, “So relieved she was saved before the puppies came. That’s a lot of puppies!”

Poppy’s incredible journey is a testament to the power of compassion and love. From the moment Carly and Jackie scooped her off the streets, she transformed from a scared, pregnant stray into a joyful, loving companion. And while her puppies all found their forever homes, Poppy found hers as well — right where she belonged, with the people who saved her life.

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