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Shelter Dog Missing One Ear Tears Same One Off His Stuffie To Look Like Him

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| October 14, 2024

Some dogs may look a bit different due to disabilities, but that doesn’t mean they are any less deserving of love. Like anyone else, these animals long to be accepted and treated just like their peers. One such dog, Bruno, has been spreading joy with his heartwarming story. Bruno, who is missing one ear, did something so touching that it’s been melting hearts across the internet. Currently being cared for by the SPCA of Wake County in Raleigh, North Carolina, Bruno’s life hasn’t been easy.

Bruno is a strikingly beautiful dog, but there’s something that sets him apart—he lost one of his ears after being attacked by another dog.

SPCA of Wake County/Facebook

“Bruno used to be chained up outdoors, and when another dog attacked him, he couldn’t escape. That’s when his ear was torn off,” the SPCA of Wake County shared on their Facebook page. But despite the injury, Bruno remains unfazed by his appearance. In fact, he did something that was both charming and symbolic.

As if mimicking his own experience, Bruno tore off his favorite toy’s ear, making it resemble him. The shelter couldn’t help but notice the coincidence, stating, “Bruno knows he’s perfect just the way he is, and now he has a friend that looks just like him.” The adorable act further proves that Bruno embraces who he is, despite his physical difference.

SPCA of Wake County/Facebook

While many dogs chew on and destroy their toys, the fact that Bruno’s favorite toy now mirrors his own appearance makes this story especially sweet. The shelter pointed out how representation matters—whether it’s children or pets, having something that reflects your own unique traits can be empowering. Bruno’s bond with his one-eared stuffed animal demonstrates that even animals can connect with these symbols of self-acceptance.

SPCA of Wake County/Facebook

Sadly, many dogs with disabilities or differences often face a longer wait to find their forever homes. People sometimes pass over these animals simply because of their appearance. However, Bruno was one of the lucky ones.

Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.
Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.

Puppy mills are mass breeding operations that run solely to make a profit. Support a nationwide ban on selling puppy mill animals at pet stores.

Soon after his story gained attention, the shelter shared the joyful news that Bruno had been adopted. “Bruno’s new owner loves him just as he is and has promised to give him nothing but unconditional love for the rest of his life,” the SPCA announced. And, of course, Bruno’s special stuffed friend will be joining him in his new home.

SPCA of Wake County/Facebook

Bruno’s story is a beautiful reminder that being different is something to celebrate, not hide from. Do you have a pet with a disability? If so, please share your fur baby’s story in our comment section. We love hearing from you!

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