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Then & Now: The 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds of the Last Decade

By: Scott H
Scott Haiduc is the Director of Publishing for iHeartDogs, iHeartCats and The Hero Company. When not working, Scott spends his time on the farm, taking care of his animals and crops.Read more
| January 27, 2015

Just like other aspects of American culture, the popularity of certain dog breeds has changed over the last decade. While some may become less popular as their use becomes less prevalent, others might become more popular if they’re breed is featured in a famous new movie or television show. As the new year starts fresh, we’ve decided to compare the top 10 most popular breeds then and now. All statistics are provided by the American Kennel Club and reference the United States, with the most recent year being 2013.

#1 – 2003: Labrador Retriever, 2013: Labrador Retriever


This breed has remained the most popular breed in the country the entire decade, and with good reason. Labrador Retrievers have excellent temperaments and make the ideal family companion. They are great with children, ready to join you on an active adventure, and snuggle up on the couch when you’re home. This breed has a strong future of popularity ahead of it.

#2 – 2003: Golden Retriever, 2013: German Shepherd Dog

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While the Golden Retriever gained popularity by it’s spectacular temperament, both breeds make excellent family companions. The last few years have seen an increase in the number of families looking for a more protective dog breed, and may be why the German Shepherd Dog has reclaimed its ranking as the second most popular breed for 2013.

#3 – 2003: Beagle,  2013: Golden Retriever

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With more people finding bigger and better homes, they have more room for the larger Golden Retriever. While the Beagle has remained popular and still makes an ideal family companion, they are a little bit noisier and many owners might not be willing to put as much effort into training these little dogs.

#4 – 2003: German Shepherd Dog, 2013: Beagle

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Beagles were only pushed down one notch in the last 10 years, though the German Shepherd Dog has come up two spots. While both breeds have remained popular and make great family pets, it seems that the trend is leaning toward the larger, more protective dogs in recent years.

#5 – 2003: Dachshund, 2013: Bulldog

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Bulldogs have come up from being the 16th most popular dog in 2003 to being the 5th in 2013! Their recent popularity might be from notable pups being trained to ride skateboards, surf and do a variety of other neat tricks. 

#6 – 2003: Yorkshire Terrier, 2013: Yorkshire Terrier


The Yorkie has maintained its position at number 6 for 10 years in a row. While these little dogs are widely popular across the country, they don’t make the best pets for small children and do require quite a bit of regular grooming.

#7 – 2003: Boxer, 2013: Boxer


The Boxer has almost never moved from its number 7 spot in the last 10 years, only moving one place when it has. These goofy dogs make great family companions and are also excellent watch dogs. Their active and playful personalities have kept them popular among dog owners.

#8 – 2003: Poodle, 2013: Poodle


Poodles have remained number 8 or 9 in the last decade, with the beginning and final placement being 8th. These are one of the most intelligent dog breeds and have likely remained popular due to their coats being relatively non-shedding, making them great companions for those with allergies.

#9 – 2003: Shih Tzu, 2013: Rottweiler

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The Rottweiler was hugely popular in the early 1990s, but dropped all the way down to 15th place in 2003. They’ve gained tremendous popularity again and are now back to 9th place in 2013. Their unique personalities make them both excellent protection dogs and family companions.

#10 – 2003: Chihuahua, 2013: Dachshund

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Dachshunds were originally in 5th place back in 2003, with Chihuahua’s coming in at 10th. Unfortunately for the Dachshunds, they’ve decreased in popularity and are now down to 10th place for 2013. Chihuahua’s didn’t even make the cut!

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